Search found 20 matches

by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: us dis gover wants public input on employment regs - deadline April 20, 2015
Replies: 0
Views: 4876

us dis gover wants public input on employment regs - deadline April 20, 2015

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is asking for public comments on which equal employment regulations should be changed, expanded or eliminated. Commission is reviewing its regulations in accordance with Executive Order 13563, "Improving Regulation & Regulatory Review." EEOC’s revi...
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: Travel & Recreation
Topic: Reviews Needed at Disabled on the Go
Replies: 1
Views: 10362

Re: Reviews Needed at Disabled on the Go

:-) do you mean you want disabled in other parts, sections, etc of USA, or world?, to post re: URL (s) for their area?

thanks for posting the URL Nancy
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Van accessible parking.
Replies: 4
Views: 10145

Re: Van accessible parking.

maybe contact ADA, mayor, all other agency, official office, whatever, etc  re: the situation Ragman
might be whoever is in charge of measure, paint, etc such park spaces is using a 'min' size when a 'mag' size for those spaces need to be used, to cover 'all' size vehicle's needs, etc
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: Travel & Recreation
Topic: Recent blog posts at Disabled on the Go
Replies: 1
Views: 10461

Re: Recent blog posts at Disabled on the Go

:-) thanks for sharing the URLs Nancy  :-)
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: My pain is better
Replies: 5
Views: 11744

Re: My pain is better

hmmm, some times is rather hard for some people to determine if a post is a 'recommendation' or merely sharing some sort of info re: some product that the poster uses even more so can be rather hard to know if a poster actually uses the posted product or is merely advertising' it .... sigh, what a d...
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: USA people who get Social Security disability benefits can get help to work
Replies: 2
Views: 8395

Re: USA people who get Social Security disability benefits can get help to work

:-) thanks Anne for your message to me & additional related URL  :-) I posted what I did cause I've ran in to so called disabled off net who had mistaken idea that anyone with any medical condition who gets any  social security benefit isn't allowed to work & continue receiving any related social se...
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: Religion and Faith
Topic: Being Disabled in the church
Replies: 9
Views: 33028

Re: Being Disabled in the church

:-) thanks for sharing your belief  :-)
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Celo's Surgery
Replies: 4
Views: 10091

Re: Celo's Surgery

:-) really nice how others pitch in to post a member's updates  :-)
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hello
Replies: 3
Views: 8550

Re: Hello

belated welcome to dis r us :-)
by now am sure you've formed net friendship with many pals in many different age frames in chat here  :-)
by Aquarius
9 years ago
Forum: Humor
Topic: I like fried chicken!!!!
Replies: 3
Views: 14589

Re: I like fried chicken!!!!

:-) a joke this is to be
yet I can under stand how it can also be a 'reality'
in my life time I had experiences since child hood of adults who wig out some times when I speak the truth
by Aquarius
10 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: USA people who get Social Security disability benefits can get help to work
Replies: 2
Views: 8395

USA people who get Social Security disability benefits can get help to work

modify quote: i If receive Social Security disability benefits because of a mental illness or other disability & want to work, Social Security's Ticket to Work (TTW) program can help. Register for free Work Incentives Seminar webinar Wed, Sept 17, 2014 at 3 - 4:30 pm EST. Webinar'll be about TTW & o...
by Aquarius
10 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: interview with Scott White, Director of sponsored Technology Programs
Replies: 0
Views: 5239

interview with Scott White, Director of sponsored Technology Programs

modified quote: Wed, Sept 17 at 8 pm EST, ThruOurEyes host Joe Ruffalo will interview Scott White for NEWSLINE REGISTERED ThruOurEyes: Scott'll highlight new mobile app version 2.1, discussion'll include history of NEWSLINE,  growth of the successful program, what new features ar...
by Aquarius
10 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: :-) welcome to dis r us chat rm & forum all since last posted welcome B4 9/7/14
Replies: 0
Views: 5506

:-) welcome to dis r us chat rm & forum all since last posted welcome B4 9/7/14

am sure that by now everyone who returnt has found many new pals at dis r us everyone world wide, no matter what medical condition (s) might be, have some type/sort/kind/etc of ability, capability, etc many people world wide labeled disabled & not disabled can only support them self -  not support a...
by Aquarius
10 years ago
Forum: Friendship, Romance and Dating
Topic: looking for a equal not a dependent
Replies: 6
Views: 14353

Re: looking for a equal not a dependent

:-) welcome to dis r us chat rm & forum, Ford1981 & any one i missed, am sure that by now you've found some new pals at dis r us who is in a same, or similar, situation (s) that you wrote about your current status being able to support only own self & not another, been on disability (assume you mean...