
Discussion about anything and everything.
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Posts: 14
Joined: 10 years ago
Location: central wisconsin


Post by dude2 » 10 years ago

Kindness, the thought of it brings memories of childhood...  Yet it makes the world go around happily and peacefully when used. No one should need to be told to "be kind", yet day in and day out kindness gets throw out window, believe me, i get the pm's. Seems the latest thing is swearing. Many chatters dislike the inordinate amount of needless swearing without purpose. Finally, someone spoke up. What did this person (and all the others) get for ASKING people to tone it down?  A constant barrage of swearing! How so very disappointing and childish this is. The swearing is not the issue anymore, attitude is. People are cruel and insensitive all the time and it does not need to happen. This room was designed with most things in mind, including ignore! "i am not going to ignore, I do not want to miss what they said about me!", that thinking feeds into the thought process. It is hard enough for every single person coming here without adding being upset because you came to room and someone is being thoughtless and cruel to you. It does not need to happen, it is not supposed to happen, lets just be kind to one another.                        Dude    8-)

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