New gym for wheelchair users

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New gym for wheelchair users

Post by danlewsley » 8 years ago

Hi all,

Both I and my step brother Andrew would really appreciate it if you could take a couple of moments to fill in our short survey.

Andrew, who is a paraplegic after a motorcycle accident in 2011, is looking to open a gym in the Norfolk/Suffolk region (United Kingdom) with fully accessible weight and cardiovascular equipment for those with spinal injuries.

We are in the early stages of developing a business case for the idea and the survey is part of our market research.

Please see below for Andrew's cover note and a link to the survey.

Thank you for reading.

Dear Sir or Madam, 
My name is Andrew Darby and I had a motorcycle accident in 2011 resulting in paraplegia, I am now using a wheelchair to get around. I have always enjoyed keeping fit and healthy but since my accident I have found it difficult to use mainstream gyms. 
My plan therefore is to open a wheelchair accessible gym with fully accessible equipment.  The equipment will be Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) certified and supplied by a company called CYBEX, who specialise in equipment for wheelchair users, disabled and able bodied people. 
The goal behind this is to give wheelchair users and other people with disabilities the opportunity to go to a gym with greater accessibility and equipment that is easy to use. 
I am currently undertaking research and would be grateful if you could distribute the attached survey to anyone that you feel would be interested in attending a gym with the facilities outlined above.
Thank you in advance, 
Andrew Darby

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