Delays in cancer diagnosis in people with physical disability--research study

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Nicole A. MGH
Posts: 1
Joined: 5 years ago

Delays in cancer diagnosis in people with physical disability--research study

Post by Nicole A. MGH » 5 years ago

Below is a notice about a research study from Massachusetts General Hospital that may be of interest.

We are interested in learning about the health care experiences of people who have difficulties with walking and who later in life develop certain types of cancer.
Researchers at the Health Policy Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital are running this study, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health. To thank you for being interviewed, we will give you a $50.00 gift card.
To volunteer, you must:
 Be between 21-74 years old
 Speak English and live in the United States
 Have had problems walking or no longer be able to walk for at least one year before your cancer diagnosis. Because of this walking problem, you must have had trouble getting around your home, taking a bath or shower, dressing, using the toilet, or feeding yourself
 Have had one of these four cancers – colon or rectal, prostate, or ovarian cancer or non-Hodgkin lymphoma – within the last ten years
 Have no other cancer history
Your participation in the interview is voluntary. The interview will take up to two hours, but you can stop at any time and not answer any question you don’t want to answer. We will audio-record the interview for us to review, but we will delete the recording with the project is over. Nothing will happen to your health care services you receive if you decide not to take part. We will keep your identity confidential and not connect your name to anything you say in the interview. We will not tell anyone that you were interviewed. We will use information from you and about 20 other people in write-ups about our study, but in a way that does not identify you.
Please contact Nicole Agaronnik at 617-724-0930 or email her at [email protected]. Please leave your name, e-mail address and/or phone number so that we may contact you.
Thank you!

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