Encouraging each other

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Encouraging each other

Post by Buddy » 10 years ago

Yesterday, while I was on my weekly trek through the supermarket to buy weekly groceries for my household, pushing a shopping cart with my wheelchair, a woman with a walker approached me and said seeing me was inspiring, because she'd been sitting at home, feeling sorry for herself, because she was recovering from heart surgery, and nobody in her family would get her groceries for her, when she decided not to let that stop her.
I told her that what she said was so encouraging to me; she didn't know that I'd just gotten off the phone with my sister, who I had to beg to come to the store just to bring my bags home, so that I could get a little more than I could carry on the paratransit bus (my sister said it was a major inconvenience because she'd only had eight hours of sleep, and only had six hours before she had to get up again). I, too, had been feeling sorry for myself, but the knowledge that I was able to encourage someone else in a similar situation made my day.
It's what I enjoy about this web site: I'm able to interact with, get encouraged by, and hopefully give encouragement to, other people who hopefully understand.

Posts: 28
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Location: Delaware USA

Post by Eino » 10 years ago

I've discovered a beautiful paradox: giving others what you yourself need, can be potent medicine for your own life.
"Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it. "
John Lennon

Posts: 18
Joined: 10 years ago

Post by Buddy » 10 years ago

What a beautiful expression! Thank you very much!

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