tweeting CP awareness and possitive body messages.

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tweeting CP awareness and possitive body messages.

Post by CPDolphin » 8 years ago

I am NOT going to post my twitter page on this site, but I would like to share this about me:
I tweet pictures of me showing my diaper. I love it because it’s natural for me. I need to wear them. I know some people don’t like what I’m doing on Twitter, but I do not care. I understand the risks and I’m not afraid.
I want to spread CP awareness and positive body image.
What do you all think? Am I doing right?

Posts: 5
Joined: 8 years ago

Post by StillAlive:) » 8 years ago

To me, It depends on what poses you are in, what else you are wearing.  I don't know old you are, but I assume you are aware that diapers are a sexual fetish for certain populations?  I'm not here to judge.  But what YOU might consider "awareness" might end up feeding people's fetish.  Please be careful about being in contact with with those who respond to your tweets.  I've found that there are actually men out there who have fetishes about oxygen hoses.  :|  There is more to me than my hose Dude! Go figure? 

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Joined: 8 years ago

Post by Adaml » 8 years ago

More than what you wear, it's how you pose that triggers issues. If your poses are not sensual, it's not bad. Rather than twitter, Instagram would be the better place to upload these images. Just my view.

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