Desperately seeking help

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Desperately seeking help

Post by Ahoseth89 » 6 years ago

Hello! My name is Allie. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and it has been very hard on my body. Currently being processed through social security and not working, so I have no income.
I've had to rely on friends and family for my care and to pay my bills.

 My hand-me-down wheelchair has broken down to a point where it's hard to use it. Along with that, someone hit my parked car overnight and did not leave their info. So I'm in a jam that my family can't pay for.

I started a go fund me page to help pay for the costs. If you could please help me, either by donations (even a dollar helps), or sharing the page on Facebook or Twitter, that would be amazing. Please help me reach my goal, so I can get a new wheelchair and fix my car.

Posts: 3
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by megmegmeg » 5 years ago

You could also try Freecycle or Craigslist to request a used wheelchair- if you have medical coverage you might be able to get that covered by insurance so it’s worth asking your doctor about.

Also if you use the neighborhood app you might be able to reach out to neighbors that could help with things like minor car repairs.


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