Standard Bible Version vs Easy-To-Read Bible

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Standard Bible Version vs Easy-To-Read Bible

Post by Kiwifruit » 1 year ago

Hello everyone, I am just reading the easy-to-ready bible version of Bible Gateway and was wondering, shouldn't every church have next to their preferred standard version also an easy-to-read or braille version of their bible for the blind and us people with intellectual disability so we can keep up what is being preached in a way we can read and understand it?

BTW, don't blame me for grammar mistakes, I try my best to write in proper English, I have a language disorder and often get sentences not right or don't know what word to use. English is my heritage language, but I was born and raised in a non-English-speaking country.

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Post by daniel » 1 year ago

I think the primary reason these are not placed next to the regular print bibles is there just isn't enough room for multiple copies of the bible at each seat. Most people tend to bring their own.

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Post by Coll » 10 months ago

Also most people use thief phones, or bring their own bibles. There is also the cost.

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