Airline Travel with a Disability

Places to go; things to do; things not to do; or things that no sane person would try.
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Airline Travel with a Disability

Post by BSUstudent » 7 years ago

Hello all!

Have you ever had a really terrible experience dealing with an airline? How about a really great one? What challenges do you face when traveling by air and how do you overcome them?

My name is Erin and I am a student at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. I am studying Aviation Management and I'm in my senior year of school. I am working on a project to try to combat some of the problems people with various disabilities face when flying.

I have made a survey that will help me collect information about the types of issues that arise and potential solutions. I want to hear YOUR ideas on what can be changed to improve the experience for YOU. This survey is completely anonymous and takes only 5-10mins. If you feel more comfortable commenting below, please feel free to do that instead. Thank you!

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