Dawg banned

Discussion about administrative actions taken in the chat room.

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Dawg banned

Post by daniel » 14 years ago

I have been forced to ban Dawg yet again and unfortunately his fiance too.  I wish I could keep one and not the other but they share the same network so it's not possible.

He was able to sneak in while I was asleep and state his case to the room. Though I can't directly verify any of the claims he made about his new site, I can tell you that everything he said about me at the time was indeed true, on the surface of course, but it also had a whole lot of stupid sprinkled in. The things he claims I do (or can do) are detailed elsewhere on this site and when anyone asks, I am completely willing to discuss the technical details.  Actually, I get downright giddy about discussing the technical details because it is pretty cool.  I can't help it if he isn't capable of understanding it or is motivated to misrepresent it.

He and I have a long history of animosity.  I do not like him for reasons I do not need to share here.  None of this is behind his back.  In our last email exchange I detailed exactly why I revile him.  Still, I allowed him into the room and I would say that is pretty "fair."  I don't ban people just because I don't like them.

The reason for his ban is quite simple.  As good of an idea as it may be, I have never gone to his fiance to advertise other potential grooms so I expect the same consideration that he not come to my site and advertise his new chat site.  Unlike last time he got banned for advertising, this time he did not advertise directly in the room, instead he began gathering peoples contact information and was soliciting them off site.  At best, it's disingenuous.

I have no problem with other chat rooms.  There is enough room for many and each fills their own particular niche.  Some people even go to multiple rooms.  What I do have a problem with is him attempting to gain success without doing any of the good work.  I will not subsidize his operation.

Feel free to discuss it.
Last edited by daniel on Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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