Looking for friends

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Looking for friends

Post by Poet63 » 7 years ago

Hi, My name is Joy,

I have osteoarthritis in my hips and am in a wheel chair.
I am looking to make new friends online. I love a good chat and am an affectionate and friendly person. I live with my husband in Norfolk England.

I am into watching films, spirituality and poetry, I also like crime dramas and nature. I like to take a positive attitude to life, despite my disability and often count my blessings.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Posts: 14
Joined: 7 years ago

Post by Louie » 7 years ago


It's nice to meet you. I live in New England and fall is starting to come on strong. The leaves here are turning, but haven't peaked yet. Although I'm still getting some vegetables, my garden is looking pretty sad. It's not going to last much longer. You mentioned that you like nature. I watched and keep notes on the hummingbirds and monarch butterflies in my backyard. The hummingbirds have been gone for a while-since mid-September. That seemed a little bit early, but we had a strange summer here. The monarch butterflies are a little more difficult to see because I'm in a wheelchair and I need to get in close to make sure that it is properly identified. The last one that I saw for certain was about a week ago when it popped out of a cocoon that was hanging right outside my window. I'm guessing that living in England, you've never seen a hummingbird or monarch butterflies in your backyard. Do you garden? How do you experienced nature from your wheelchair? I'm fortunate enough to have a power chair that can move through my backyard and there are a lot of smooth bike paths around here that go into the woods.

It's nice to meet you,

Posts: 2
Joined: 7 years ago

Post by Poet63 » 7 years ago

Hi DiMart,

It was good to hear about your garden - hummingbirds and butterflies sound lovely. We have a very small garden, but my husband takes me out in the wheelchair. We go to the local park often - the leaves are beautiful colours at the moment- scarlett and Amber and yellow. I love to see the trees and flowers there.

We also go to fairhaven woodland Gardens, to see bluebells in spring, and yellow flag irises, azaleas and rhododendrons in summer.

We also go to Blickling Hall which has a lake, woodlands and gardens. What disabilities do you have? You say you're in a wheelchair. Can you tell me what New England is like? Norfolk is quite flat, but has lovely villages and lots of windmills, & nature reserves.

I grew up in the north of England on a farm. I have written poetry about nature in that beautiful part of the world.

Thank you for writing and
look forward to hearing from you,


Posts: 14
Joined: 7 years ago

Post by Louie » 7 years ago


I have a type of muscular dystrophy. It's very slow, but progressive. At this stage I'm unable to stand, walk, or even lift my arms. I've been using a power wheelchair for about 10 years now. It's not as bad as people think. I have a family that takes care of me. I am also able to drive a modified Van and go to work a few days a week. When I'm in my chair I am pretty independent. I have the impression that you use a manual chair. You able to roll it yourself?

You asked what New England is like. The area that I live in is close to Long Island sound. We tend to get a fair amount of snow during the winter, but not nearly as much as they do in the north. Even so, digging out in the winter is a pain in the neck. Most people either own a snowblower or pay to have their driveways plowed. The landscape around here is not flat -hills everywhere, but not mountains. It's covered with trees. I've heard it said that there are more trees now than there were 100 years ago when this area was all farmland.

I noticed that on my last post I use the wrong name. On this site I call myself Louie.


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