Survey on quality of life, romantic relationships, & sexual satisfaction in SCI

Discussion about anything and everything related to sexuality and intimacy. (This is not a dating section)
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Survey on quality of life, romantic relationships, & sexual satisfaction in SCI

Post by Jennaschumacher44 » 9 years ago

My colleagues and I are occupational therapy students conducting research on various components related to romantic relationships among individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI). We would greatly appreciate if you could take our short survey if you have a SCI, or share the link if you know anyone with a SCI, who is currently OR has previously been involved in a romantic relationship while living with a SCI. All participants will be entered to win a $20 visa gift card!
Thank you for your contribution to occupational therapy and SCI research!

Click or copy and paste link below to access survey: ... rm?c=0&w=1

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