Handicapped Parking Space and Braces

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Handicapped Parking Space and Braces

Post by Cooper » 10 years ago

I have two questions that are somewhat related.

I am fairly young, but when I was nine I got into a car accident. Since then I have had gradual problems with my left leg, and a year ago it got bad enough that I couldn't wear socks or shave my legs anymore.

Then I started having problems walking. My grandmother pointed out I had begun to limp, and the limp was getting worse. So I got a brace. It helped a lot, but I had problems with it. So I tried another. And another.

I stuck with Ace Elastic Bandages for a while, which I liked because I could use them not just on my ankle, but now they're starting to hurt too. So does anyone have any suggestions for braces I should get?

Second question, according to the title is: do you think I could qualify for a handicapped parking space? I didn't really want one, but I have to walk at least a half mile to get to my classes at my new campus, and I can't walk that far, between my leg and my asthma.
Last edited by Cooper on Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ragman » 10 years ago

If your mobility is impaired and a doctor will sign the application, then get a parking permit. If you can't walk far, do not wear yourself out trying

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Post by Tawney » 10 years ago

Cooper... as far as the braces go it sounds like you should see a physiotherapist to help you choose what would be right for you.  You may even want to try a medical supply store ,they were always helpful for me and ready to please customers.
Doctors are usually good about signing for parking passes so don't be afraid to explain the problems with distance at school.. might make it quicker.
The best of luck to you,

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Post by Cooper » 10 years ago

Thanks guys. I have a little bit of a problem with thinking nobody is going to validate me. It's why it took me so long to go to the doctor for this (and my other problems) to begin with.

I tried calling my GP today and yesterday to make an appointment, but they were closed. They won't reopen until Monday. I found a medical supply store near my school, but I'll ask my GP about a physiotherapist, and if she thinks my insurance would cover it. In the meantime I've found if I wear the Ace bandages looser than I used to, and use the long ones, I'm okay. Can't wear them for as long as I'd like (my job requires standing for 4-9 hours, and around 5 hours is when it starts to get uncomfortable) but it works for now.

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Post by Cooper » 10 years ago

UPDATE: I don't get the doctor's appointment until October 2nd. I'll save you the trouble of checking a calendar: that's three weeks from now. I don't think I can make that walk three more times.

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Post by DARRYL » 10 years ago

you can get a plackard or plate for your car .now sweat

you have to have your doc to sign the paperwork, and he or she can make a

request for accommodations for you seating class location, and help with lines

at the bookstore, and stuff like that. And even closer parking for you

look up section 504 the ADA that will help too

I've got a screwed up knee since 1994,and the placlard is a big help

Darryl :)


hopes this helps

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Post by Cooper » 10 years ago

I got a six month temporary placard, and a referral for physical therapy. There are other changes to my life recently, but I'm going to make a separate thread (if I do) to talk about it.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Post by Tawney » 10 years ago

Cooper so glad you at least were able to get the temporary placard.  I hope some therapy can help so that you don't have as much pain.  I really hope you know that people here understand and can empathize with pretty much anything you are going through...you are not alone anymore :)

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