Van accessible parking.

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Van accessible parking.

Post by Ragman » 10 years ago

Today, I went to three establishments that had 'van accessible parking' in the handicap parking area. None of them were anywhere near suitable for me to unload myself because the grid area was no where near wide enough. In one place, TSR Rogersville, TN, just opened, the lift when down was three inches into the next paring space. Do not the people making the parking lot know what Van Accessible means? Presumably not, and the Mental Health unit also gave way too little space to deploy and disembark by the lift. The last place I went was the county clerks office, where the disembarking area was blocked by a dumpster, while still happily proclaiming van accessible parking. In each of these places I had to take four parking spaces diagonally to ensure I could get back into my van when I returned.

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Post by Aquarius » 9 years ago

maybe contact ADA, mayor, all other agency, official office, whatever, etc  re: the situation Ragman
might be whoever is in charge of measure, paint, etc such park spaces is using a 'min' size when a 'mag' size for those spaces need to be used, to cover 'all' size vehicle's needs, etc

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Post by Ragman » 9 years ago

I tried all of your suggestions over the years, but have to report that such is wasting time. Nobody is interested, mayors don't care, the ADA makes noises and does nothing, newspapers print letters that everyone ignores. I try what I can, when I can, and don't expect any results.

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Post by raddad » 9 years ago

I hear your frustration ragman.  It annoys me all these organizations seem to unable or unwilling to do anything.

1) City sidewalks aren't kept up, some are not passable by wheelchairs.
    a) Snow removal is not kept up and some are skipped entirely.
2) City bus stops are not clear of snow and many don't have shelters anyway.
3) Inaccessible apartments continue to be built
4) Inaccessible buildings already here;
        even the courthouse I have to enter in the back ally where the prisoners do      as if I'm a black man in the 40's.
5) Inadequate parking like you say.
The list goes on.

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Post by Ragman » 9 years ago

The quaint town of Rogersville, Tennessee is so backwards that to get to the grand Post Office, I have to go through the sorting room. The old court house is sort of accessible, but there are businesses that I have no hope of getting in. I am round about done with this place, unfriendly ignorant people outnumber the friendly ones ten to one, and this winter has done it for me - I have not been out in nine days. It is getting old. I am told that the supermarket snow clearance has been piled into the van accessible spaces. That is about on par.

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