emotions and museum experience

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emotions and museum experience

Post by Mona » 7 years ago

Dear All,
My name is Mona Ismael, a Visiting Associate Professor at University of Leeds, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Centre for Disability Studies. You are being invited to participate in a research study titled “Exploring the effect of emotions on tourism experience of mobility disabled tourists�. The purpose of this study is to investigate how positive and negative emotions influence the experience of mobility-disabled tourists in the museum context. The questionnaire has been given an approval from the Ethical Committee at the University of Leeds.
Your opinion will help to provide valuable insights and recommendations to museum managers and holiday makers to enhance your experience and make your vacation more interesting and extremely rewarding. Kindly fill in the questionnaire attached, it will take only five minutes to be completed.
Your participation will make a big difference
Note: if you would kindly help to pass this questionnaire to others with mobility disability who have visited a museum during the last 12 months, I will really appreciate

Kind regards,
Mona Ismael

https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9xekossxax5c ... .docx?dl=0

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