what next?
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:45 pm
So now, what is there?
What is next?
What have these last years of more tests
of my so-called complex existence
Revealed to the brains on the thrones?
They try, yes I know this.
They try, but I am complex.
I am thrown out with the obscure unknown
The minority of those who refuse to fit into a label
That doesn’t quite fit at all.
Am I supposed to give up the prize?
Or do I get to be paraded around some more?
And be told that my symptoms do not make sense to
Anything that their book read knowledge can find
so therefore my symptoms cannot be.
I am making this up, I am faking it, I am
Living on the pittance offered to me
From a government that does not even see me.
But the problem with that is.
I am still here.
I am still here
I am still here
I am still here
Continuing but not accepting
That there is nothing else,
That this is it.
That this cannot be fixed
I may not make sense to them
But. I am still here waiting.
Do I have a choice?
What is next?
What have these last years of more tests
of my so-called complex existence
Revealed to the brains on the thrones?
They try, yes I know this.
They try, but I am complex.
I am thrown out with the obscure unknown
The minority of those who refuse to fit into a label
That doesn’t quite fit at all.
Am I supposed to give up the prize?
Or do I get to be paraded around some more?
And be told that my symptoms do not make sense to
Anything that their book read knowledge can find
so therefore my symptoms cannot be.
I am making this up, I am faking it, I am
Living on the pittance offered to me
From a government that does not even see me.
But the problem with that is.
I am still here.
I am still here
I am still here
I am still here
Continuing but not accepting
That there is nothing else,
That this is it.
That this cannot be fixed
I may not make sense to them
But. I am still here waiting.
Do I have a choice?