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At last, what I am

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:53 pm
by Ragman
My insurance company, Cigna, decided to run a series of tests, interviews and assessments on me over the last two weeks, and yesterday, I got the report.

In 1994, I was told I had hypoxic injury, resulting in acute hyperkinetic motion and severe spasticity, concurrent with chronic short term memory disorder. Over the years I have experienced different symptoms and had further diagnosis.

The result of this testing, assessing and whatnot, gives me a completely different condition status report.

So, to stop my confusion, and to be open with those to whom I shared my previous diagnosis information, I present the result of my insurance assessment.

• hypoxic injury toxic effect CO

• Late effect cerebrovascular accident = Cerebella ataxia  quad effect paralysis

• acute dyskinesia unspecified spasticity

• unspecified extra pyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorder

• concurrent conditions

• Post Morbid Multi-Sensory Sensitivity syndrome and Multi Chemical Sensitivity.

Posting this makes me feel more comfortable, as I most certainly do not wish to mislead anyone.
:-D  8-)

Re: At last, what I am

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:30 am
by raddad
That is quite an ingredient list.  I am puzzled why insurance companies don't issue us t-shirts with tags listing our ingredients like a can of soup does.

Re: At last, what I am

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 3:01 pm
by Ragman
That would be a really good idea, especially for those with communication difficulties like myself. Having the list easily read by any would make all kinds of authority interaction a lot easier.

Re: At last, what I am

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:18 pm
by raddad
A QR code tattooed on the nape of our neck.

Re: At last, what I am

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 3:06 pm
by Ragman
another good idea, though I am to twitchy and spastic to have tattoos

Re: At last, what I am

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:31 am
by DisabledArtisanSwaps
Its funny to me that sometimes an insurance company, who is NOT a Doctor, can offer up different results of what is wrong with a person than what their own regular Doctor would issue as results. I have seen in my lifetime and the lives of others where what the Insurance Company claims is wrong with a person differs than the Professional Opinion of their very own Doctor. So, just wondering, in YOUR Personal opinion Dude, is your Insurance Company in alignment with  your Doctor? Or have they concluded information based on covering their own butt? I have seen where insurance companies want to get out of payments so they will sometimes differ than the professional doctor residing over your case. Just wondering is all :-)

Re: At last, what I am

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:15 pm
by Ragman
In the last 21 years, I have had eight doctors make different diagnoses of what they should call my disability. The current insurance demanded diagnosis is in full accord with the hitherto unseen notes from my first neurologist, in 1994.

The other seven doctors added bits, and subtracted bits, to fit with their own egos, I suspect.