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New Here

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:47 pm
by Fanx
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this site, so I want to introduce myself.  I'm a 59 year-old man living in the UK; I have moderate ME/CFS, and have lived in retirement for the last couple of years since my employers decided that the absences caused by the ME were more than they could put up with.  I'm glad really because all the work-stress was taken away, and this is a major factor with a disease like ME.  I don't miss working at all.

I live alone, and find that I fill my time very well: listening to the radio and music, reading and seeing my friends.  The interweb is a great thing, and a huge element in my life, as it is for many disabled people.  I managed to hold my job down for 8 years after diagnosis because I could work remotely from home, and interact with clients via their web-sites. 

I get a lot of my entertainment through it - radio and TV programmes on "catch up" via the BBC iPlayer.  You in the US can get it too simply by keying in the URL - isn't modern technology wonderful?  I do a lot of shopping on the interweb too - for many disabled people it's a life-saver if their mobility is restricted, or they can't tolerate crowds or places where too much information comes at you.

But then you know all this.  Sites like this are great for us because they enable us to maintain social contact and get support.  I'm glad to be on a US-based site and look forward to talking to you all

Fanx    8-)