New Lady But not so New
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:16 pm
hello to anyone reading this and thank you for even takeing the time to read it ,
please keep in mind as you read this i have a learning disabilty
and part of it is i have trouble spelling words.
Anyways its been a while since i been on here.
a lot of things have happend. and lot of ups and downs.
lets get to the downs first...
went to a mental hospidel multpe times the last time was for a sicuaciedl attempt that failed,
got put on some meds for my depression and my D.I.D. went thru detox.
im in recovery from self harm (cutting my arms and legs ) and from drinking acholo
and im getting theripy for any suicidel thoughts i still have as well as childhood abues.
its at a wonderful place called RHA. that place has been a life savor for me.
its a mini merical that im still here, that im alive typeing this...
at the begaining of the year i said it was going to be diffrant
and it has been that and more for me.
now we can get to the ups...
like i said im on new meds now and im meeting once a week with a theripest to talk about my feelings and stuff. i fianley got a disabilty lawery whos working there butts off for me to help me get ssi, so that i have some income and i guess i'll ues some of that money to start to build a life for myself. find out whats out there for me.
im taking things one day at a time. today i can be happy
but tomorrow i could be gone...
i'll try and ues this site to make new friends and meet new people
but im not sure anyone has things in common with me...
i'll make another post later about the crazy things im into...
thanks for reading all this. Hope you have a wonderful day.
~ MissZee