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Rumors, lies and other crap.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:57 am
by daniel
It's time for a small rant...

I'm a bit frustrated by some things in the chat room lately, frustrated enough to make me want to find somewhere else to chat.  Most of it deals with the childish rumor mill.

1. The thing that upsets me the most is all the people telling other people "Daniel said.... (insert bullshit here)"  If someone tells you I said something, unless you hear it from me it's either wrong or it's an outright lie.  Nobody else speaks for me and when they try, it's wrong.  If you want to know what I said, ask me directly.  Stop listening to all the damn rumors.

2. If someone tells you they got banned for no reason at all, it's a lie.  Please name one person who has ever been banned for being friendly and conversational?  Who?

The same goes for people who warn others to not talk to me and/or ask me any questions or they might get banned.  Bullshit.  Nobody has ever been banned for asking me a sincere question.  If someone tells you otherwise, they're lying.

If you want to know why someone got banned, ask me!

3. People who say "Watch out for Daniel" or those who threaten others with "Daniel will ban you for ...."   Knock it off!  Don't threaten people and then blame it on me like I'm the boogieman.  I'm tired of it.

4. If the person doesn't have a blue dot next to their name, they are not a moderator and they do not speak for Disabilities-R-Us.  If you go to anyone else with your problems about the room, the chances are they will screw it up and make the situation even worse.  If anyone else cites rules to you, they're usually full of shit and should be ignored. If you have a problem, come to me.

5. Daniel reads everything? Seriously? Are you really that important?

Based on bandwidth usage, I can tell that on an average day the conversations in the main room alone would fill about 125 to 150 printed 8½x11 pages and private conversations would fill an additional 80 to 100 printed pages.  Do you really think I have the time to read all that?  I can barely read 10 pages a day on my Kindle. Do you really think I care about your private lives?  I don't.

All I care about is behavior and how it affects the health of the room, which is why the security bot only monitors behavior, not words.  Once again, you can read all the details on how it works in the message titled. [url=]The Nature of the Beast[/url].  It's no secret.

6.  The thing that really ticks me off is the random idiots who refer to me as a megalomanic or someone with a Napoleon complex.  I come into the room to chat, not to be your damn babysitter.  Grow up!

7.  Just because you got disconnected doesn't mean I kicked you out or banned you.  The internet is made up of millions of computers connected via millions of miles of copper wire.  Stuff breaks.  Shit happens.  I don't own the internet and I can't help if something temporarily stops working.  If you can't seem to get in, chill out!  Go read a book or breathe some fresh air outside and try again later.


Re: Rumors, lies and other crap.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:54 am
by kitten
really sorry people are like this 'cause personally this is one of the nicest places i have ever found to chat and i've been chatting online a very, very long time and truthfully it's the only place i can come back to years later and still feel welcome.

Hope the people who are making this a not fun experience can find some other place to be happy at cause its not cool to act like this.