Disabilities-R-Us Chat Software
Get Disabilities-R-Us Chat Today!
To make your online chat experience safer and more enjoyable, we have developed our own custom Disabilities-R-Us Chat software. If you are wondering why you should install it, here's the scoop:
- Easy to Use - Disabilities-R-Us Chat Software is very easy to use. Even if you consider yourself completely computer illiterate, you will have no problem installing and using Disabilities-R-Us Chat. We want to get you chatting as easily as possible.
- Private Messages - Send and receive private messages with other users.
- No Ads - Our software is free of advertisements.
- More Rooms - If you want to chat with your friends or family in another private room, no problem! You can even talk in multiple rooms and in private all at once.
- Adjustable Font Sizes - Make your fonts as large or as small as you need to read comfortably.
- Speech Recognition - All you need is a microphone to use built-in Microsoft Speech Recognition.
- Spell Checking - Automatically highlights misspelled words and offers suggestions. Includes dictionaries for USA, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
- Optional Audio Assistance - The careful use of unobnoxious sounds for specific events also makes your chat experience nicer and easier for visually impaired users. If you do not need audio assistance or if you just don't like sounds, you can easily turn them off.
- Works with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and above.
- Absolutely Free - Use Disabilities-R-Us Chat as much as you want and for as long as you want. It's totally free and it will always be that way.
- It's Safe - Disabilities-R-Us Chat does not contain any adware or spyware and is virus free. In fact, it is signed with a 5 Year Comodo Code Signing Certificate. No hidden surprises. It's free and that is that.

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