
Created by and for people with physical disabilities.

Computer World And Disability: Window To The World or Not

Mar 24, 1999

This is an archival transcript of one of our past meetings. We don't have scheduled topical meetings anymore, but we're not opposed to the idea of bringing them back if someone is willing to commit to hosting them on a "long term" basis.

Participants already present:
  ChanServ ([email protected])
  Mooooooof ([email protected])
gismo: hi
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Lily: hi:)
gismo: i made it
Lily: lol, yup
Mooooooof: logging on?
Lonewolf: yes
Lonewolf: Is everyone here?
Lily: think so
Mooooooof: missing anny
Lily: ill watch main
Lonewolf: Tonight we rae going to talk about the Internet and disabilities
Lonewolf: Please remember no excess chat
Lonewolf: type ! for a statement and ? for a qustion
Lonewolf: Computer World and Disability-Window to the World or Not?"
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Lonewolf: Many of us are bed or chair bound and seek companionship across the internet
Lonewolf: Across computer world our disabilities are not noticed
Lonewolf: It is very easy to become dependent on the internet for human contact
Lonewolf: But are we hurting or helping ourselves by this type of isolation? As we all know the internet can be addictive often pushing out family, friends and logic!!
Kim^^: ?
Lonewolf: Kim
atrpilot: !yes
Kim^^: can i say :) when i want to or that excess chat?
Lonewolf: yes Kim
Max_Send: i think of it as a type of art
Lonewolf: lol no you can smile
Max_Send: especially the pages
Lily: :)
Lonewolf: Max please type ! when you have a statement and I will call on you:)
Lonewolf: 1. Are you a computer addict?
atrpilot: !
Lonewolf: charlie
atrpilot: no
Lily: !
Lonewolf: Lily
Lily: no, but i am addicted to the ppl i meet here
Lonewolf: good point
Lily: you r all so real
Lonewolf: cam?
camille3: !some days i am
Lonewolf: gismo?
gismo: !
gismo: just in winter
Lonewolf: yes?
Lonewolf: oh
Lonewolf: Kim
Kim^^: huh?
Lonewolf: are u addicted to the computer
Kim^^: why no:)
Lonewolf: bull
Lonewolf: max?
Lily: :)
Max_Send: i refuse to answer
Lonewolf: sorry Max
Max_Send: lol
Lonewolf: ok woz
Woz: dont know
Kim^^: ! why i can get off after only 3 hrs of chat
Lonewolf: mooooo?
Mooooooof: no, im not
Max_Send: ! on grounds that ill sound ! stupid!
Mooooooof: but i am here often
Mooooooof: just dont pay attention
Lily: !
Lonewolf: actually what you said while ago was another vie point
Lonewolf: Lily
Lily: max never sounds stupid
Lonewolf: no
Lonewolf: I am addicted
Lonewolf: totally
Lonewolf: but I agree with what Max said
Max_Send: !
Lonewolf: its an art form also
Lonewolf: Max
Lily: ?
Lonewolf: Max?
Max_Send: It provides the freedom to a degre of self expression i never had before
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Max_Send: sorry
Lonewolf: true
Max_Send: im not a fast typer
Lonewolf: Lily
Lonewolf: np
Lily: do you put it on first thing in am?
Lonewolf: yes
Lonewolf: I never turn it off anymore
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Max_Send: ! i polish it alot
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Lonewolf: Karen are you addicted to the internet
Lonewolf: anny are u addicted to the internet?
Kark: I use to be, have been using it less lately
Lonewolf: on purpose?
Max_Send: addiction makes it sound like its debilitating
Lonewolf: Well it can be in some instances
anny1: don't thinks so lw
Lily: !
Lonewolf: 2. How do you feel in an internet chat versus a realtime chat?
Kark: Well been tired
Max_Send: im addicted to a wheelchair then too!
Lonewolf: sorry-Lily?
Lonewolf: Point taken
Lily: i turn to it nore in winter, when i cant get out
Lonewolf: Lily?
Kim^^: ?
Lonewolf: Kim
Kark: !
Kim^^: what is the diff real and internet?
Lonewolf: face to face versus chat
Lonewolf: Karen
Kim^^: rl instead of puter?
Kark: no emotion on an internet chat
Lonewolf: yes to both
Kark: hard to joke too
Lonewolf: plus people can't see you
camille3: !
Kark: yes
Lily: !
Lonewolf: true
Lonewolf: Lily
Lonewolf: sorry Cam
camille3: easier to explain face-face
Max_Send: i think the computer has replaced the tv set for most of us, and im not sure anyone ever refered to that as an adiction
Lily: thats why we try and use smilies and ither symbolls
Lonewolf: yes Cam
Lonewolf: true Lily
gismo: !
Kim^^: !
Lonewolf: actually max the tv can be an addiction
Lonewolf: gismo
gismo: i dont skip work for it
Lonewolf: kim
Kim^^: ppl can't tell i'm joking here or rl
Lily: !
Lonewolf: true
Lonewolf: lily
Kark: there are functional alcholics too
anny1: addiction is usually thought to be something that there is acompulsion to do and is unhealthy
Max_Send: lol, kim
Kark: ooops sorry out of turn and typo
Lonewolf: lily
Lily: once you get to know someone well, you can pick up their mood
Lonewolf: yes
Max_Send: lily, agreed
Lonewolf: not one of the questions but how many of you end up eating a meal while on computer?
Kim^^: !!! ME ME ME!
Kark: !
gismo: !
Lonewolf: karen
Mooooooof: me
Lonewolf: I take that for a yes Kim?
Kark: I have for a meeting but not as a rule
Lonewolf: IC
Lonewolf: gismo
gismo: a and w rite now
Lonewolf: anyone else?
Lonewolf: well I do often
Lily: sometimes a snack
anny1: used to eat in front of tv now puter
Kark: snaks yes
Lonewolf: yes
camille3: !
Kark: !
Lonewolf: cam?
camille3: snacks yes
Lonewolf: Karen
Max_Send: anyone here think of giving up compiuter for drugs/drink
Lily: !
Kark: They say its bad to eat in front of the TV since you dont feel like you ate and tend to eat again
Lonewolf: Karen
Lonewolf: oh that's interesting
Lonewolf: Lily
Kark: overeating
Lily: i can do all 3 at once, max:)
Kark: lol
Lonewolf: I can see that Karen
camille3: !
Max_Send: i know ive stopped taking lots of ainkillers cause they interfere with my computer time
Lonewolf: cam
camille3: thats why i'm still hungry huh
Lonewolf: cud be
Lonewolf: 3. Do you hide behind your computer or simply use it as a means of support and friendship?
Lonewolf: Let me clarify
Lonewolf: Hide as in hide from the public eye
Kim^^: yes
Lonewolf: replace human contact with it
Lily: no
Kim^^: yes
camille3: !
Lonewolf: cam
anny1: no
Lily: !
atrpilot: 1
Lonewolf: cam first
Max_Send: yes but i find much human contact teious and painfull
camille3: i use it to commuicatewith daughters and here
Max_Send: tedious
Lonewolf: which is good
Lonewolf: Lily
Lily: i still have friends, but have made many tho' this room
Kark: !
camille3: and play games :}
Lonewolf: charlie
atrpilot: no
Lonewolf: Karen
Kim^^: i haven't been human contacted in so long not sure it still works:(
Lonewolf: KIM
Lily: lol
Kim^^: sorry
Kark: I use to find it easier here but now I think a 10 min conversation on phone or in person last 1 1/2 hrs online
Lonewolf: Karen
Lonewolf: yes it does
Kim^^: ?
Lily: !
Lonewolf: Mooooo what's your thoughts here
Lonewolf: Kim
Kim^^: is that good kark?
Mooooooof: im not sure
Mooooooof: i can relate on or off
camille3: !
Lonewolf: Karen go ahead
Max_Send: !
camille3: i can joke more in here then in person
Lonewolf: Lily
Lily: i use my PC mainly for chatting or emailing, its a way of meeting and communicating
Kark: I like the hearing expression better then typing
Lonewolf: Max
Max_Send: i vote we start given us slow typers voce recognition software
Max_Send: lol
Kark: but love you guys
Lonewolf: did Imiss anyone?
Lonewolf: The one thing nobody mentioned was personal appearance
Lily: !
Mooooooof: personal appearance means nothing
Lonewolf: Lily
Kark: !
camille3: !
Max_Send: rofl
anny1: !
Lonewolf: Karen
Kark: Of course that's a plus here. no judgement if they can't see ya
Lily: u can lie abt that, ppl do,but then what ifu want to meet?
Lonewolf: true
Lonewolf: cam
camille3: idon't worry how i look in here :)
Lonewolf: hehe me either
Lonewolf: anny
Lily: !
Max_Send: !
Lonewolf: Lily
anny1: i have lived with the way i look long enough that it doesn't keep me from socializing face to face when i want
Lily: u get interested in a persojns mind, not how they look
Lonewolf: Max
Kark: !
Max_Send: Ive been described as fell from the top of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down,,, god bless 'im. ,, dont get me wrong but my appearance isnt a bragging matter
Lonewolf: so are u more comfortable on the computer?
Lonewolf: Karen
Kark: Someone here in NY was killed by the person they went to meet who they were having an online relationship
Max_Send: im not uncomfortable, but i think others are more comfy
Kark: its scarey
Lonewolf: yes
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Lonewolf: you never know who the person really is
Lonewolf: Myself I have gained a lot of weight since years of cortisone-I am not comfortable with my appearance
Lonewolf: Ms are you computer addicted?
Kark: !
MsAmazin: absolutely Lw :)
Lonewolf: Karen
anny1: !
Kark: I went to Florida and met someone from online it was a nice experience
Lonewolf: that was good
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Lonewolf: anny
Kark: has the same disability as me
Lonewolf: great
Lonewolf: anny go on
Lily: !
anny1: part of the appeal of compter is comvience, no effort required to be
captdog: *lurking is a neat way to observe the inner workings of a chat room and it's folks.
anny1: interacting
Kim^^: i've met 2 one great and one a dud:)
Max_Send: i met a lady id had a steamy online thing with,,, gawd, he was uglier than me,,,bless his soul
Lonewolf: Lily
Lily: ive met someppl from here too, and they are terrific
Lonewolf: back up Max
Kim^^: he max?
Lonewolf: your lady was a he?
Max_Send: lol
Lily: he?
Lily: lol
Lonewolf: bad experience I gather
Max_Send: yeah, like y'all never get fooled
MsAmazin: lol
Max_Send: i thought it was hysterical
Lily: !
Lonewolf: Lil
Lily: i been fooled, but never met them face to fade
Lily: face
Lonewolf: same here
Lonewolf: 5. Do you think the internet has helped or hindered you?
Kim^^: 3
Max_Send: we had a cpl drinks at the bar and scared some women and went home
Lily: :)
Mooooooof: ! helped
Lonewolf: how?
Mooooooof: ! it got me a job and a girl to marry
captdog: Big help ,it is like having the whole worlds access on my desk.
Lonewolf: great
Lonewolf: another great
anny1: !
Lonewolf: It helped me because I was becoming very introverted
Lonewolf: anny
anny1: helped me meet you guys which is a plus
Lonewolf: yes definately
Lily: !
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Lonewolf: lil
Lily: yes, anny, i agree
Lonewolf: 6. What steps should we take to prevent or stop internet addiction?
MsAmazin: why take any???? :)
Max_Send: lol
Max_Send: there ya go
Lonewolf: when it starts interferring with real life it can be harmful
Kim^^: if this is addicted i like it
MsAmazin: oh, I'm not at that point...yet
Lonewolf: well I just about am
Lily: !
Kark: !
Lonewolf: lil
Max_Send: when real life is harmfull, maybe my lil adiction is a good thing
Lily: i am, kark, the ppl i meet are becoming real
Lonewolf: Karen
Max_Send: i mean, they televised a guys muder on tv,,,,they wouldnt do that to a criminal
gismo: !
Kark: I think it has helped me a great deal, found people I can relate too but now I plan hrs and stick to the sched
Lonewolf: Obviously there is good and bad
Lonewolf: gismo
gismo: when u talk on the phone is it real?
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Lonewolf: if you know the person face to face
Kark: !
Lonewolf: tsp we are discussing internet addiction
Lonewolf: Karen
Kim^^: !
anny1: ?
tsp: mean the 2000y virus in computer ?
Lonewolf: Kim
Kim^^: I sometimes go weeks without seeing or speaking to ppl not on here
Kark: I don't really chat online with people I can talk to face to face or by phone
Lonewolf: true
Lonewolf: anny
anny1: are face to face relationships more valuable than internet?
Lonewolf: good question
Lily: !
Lonewolf: Lily
Lily: no, they just different, this way onlyway for many
Kark: !
Lonewolf: Karen
Kark: I agree with Lily
gismo: !
Lonewolf: gismo
anny1: ! agree
Max_Send: !
gismo: i live in small town am 1 of 2 paras there nice to meet others
Lonewolf: yes
Lonewolf: Max
MsAmazin: same here gis
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Max_Send: relationships can only have the value we give them, not more or less,
Lonewolf: profound
Kim^^: :)
Lonewolf: I feel like moderation is the key
Lily: !
Lonewolf: Lily
anny1: i know many ppl face to face that i care less for than internet friends
Kim^^: yea what she said oops sorry !!
Lily: icosider many here as closer fiennds than theones who deserted me after my dis.
Lonewolf: yes
Kark: !
Lonewolf: Karen
Kark: i got to feel for many here, but felt that I was getting attached and maybe scaring away people
Kark: so I backed away
Lonewolf: How many of you panic henyour computer is down
Lonewolf: oh Karen why?
Kim^^: ME
Lily: !
Lonewolf: Lil
anny1: !
Lily: ME!!
Lonewolf: anny
Woz: '!
gismo: !
Kark: me too
Lonewolf: woz
anny1: disappointed but not panic
Lonewolf: gismo
Woz: bummer
Max_Send: !
gismo: me
Lonewolf: max
Woz: !
Max_Send: i know ppl on here i wouldnt mind having for dinner, while i wouldnt let my neighbors in here on a bet, and when puter is down its a challenge to fix
Lonewolf: IC
Lonewolf: Woz
Woz: computer is part of me
Lily: lol, max
anny1: lol max
atrpilot: ok max
Lonewolf: me too woz
MsAmazin: what's for dinner Max?
MsAmazin: whoops
Lonewolf: so for people like us maybe its not a bad thing?
Max_Send: reservations prolly
gismo: !
Lonewolf: gismo
gismo: too much of anything is bad lw
Lonewolf: very true
Lily: !
Lonewolf: lil
Lily: im trying to limit it to certin times
Lonewolf: One more thing before we end I wanted to mention Carly's letter to the list concerning Dr Death
Lonewolf: Was everyone as upset over that as I was?
Lily: yes, i was
Lonewolf: Did everyone read it?
MsAmazin: what letter to the list?
atrpilot: i spit
MsAmazin: musta missed it
gismo: not me
Max_Send: not i
Lonewolf: concerning the professor at Princeton who believs in killing disabled babies
Lonewolf: or people who are metally deficient etc
Kim^^: i read it but don't remember so i guess not
Max_Send: oops g'night all
gismo: thats sick
Lonewolf: its horrible
MsAmazin: I read about that months ago
Kark: !
Lonewolf: Karen
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Kark: Its crazy are they looking for the perfect race
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gismo: !
Kark: of perfect people
Lonewolf: gismo
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MsAmazin: he is just wacky....no offense to brian
Lily: :)
gismo: very informative meeting and well run thanks lonewolf
Kim^^: agreed!!
Lonewolf: you are welcome
MsAmazin: sorry I missed most of it
Lonewolf: I think this is an issue we all need to keep informed on
Woz: !
Kark: was a very good one
Lily: thank, judi:)
Lonewolf: thanks
Lonewolf: woz
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Woz: ps woz is wol take me or leave me
Lonewolf: ??
Woz: sorry
Kim^^: woz your fever high again?
Woz: subject change
Lonewolf: well goodnight all and thanks for coming
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Woz: hugs
gismo: ttfn
Lonewolf: hugs max
Kim^^: thank you
Lonewolf: welcome
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