HelloKit: logging is on
orange: hi james
James: hi
Deb: why do you say that phoenyxx?
Raven_: i have to upgrade (WHAAAA)
Deb: have you had trouble getting educated?
wood_girl: hi james
orange: hi jody!
wood_girl: hi jody
Jody: hi everyone
HelloKit: Is everyone ready to begin?
Jody: sure.....
phoenyxx: Deb: I've gotten flak from disability counselors because
I'm pursuing the RTVF degree and not taking vocation classes like
'other disabled people'.
orange: ready when you are
Mimi: Jody :o)
Jody: Hey Mimi....
Jody: guess what...
Mimi: Simon you get flak from everyone ;o)
Mimi: what?
Mimi: wb
phoenyxx: not here Mimi :-)
Mimi: lol, ok, you got me :o)
orange: phoenyxx..where do you go to school?
Jody: courtney crawled back into his shell.... the euphoria is over
HelloKit: First question...
HelloKit: Is anyone here going to or graduated from college?
* Mimi is a college graduate
Jody: I've graduated
orange: mimi...but then i don't get any messages from anyone else
Mimi: awwwwwww
wood_girl: i bearly got my ged
Mooooooo: I didnt go to college, but i did take a few classes
care what YOU claim to be.)
orange: raven...what do you mean?
Raven_: I'll never get out, it seems...
orange: raven...i know the feeling! what year are you?
Mimi: seemed that way to me too, Raven...you will though :o)
Jody: are you on the 4+ plan raven?
Raven_: soph., going into Jr.
Raven_: nope
orange: raven...you are going to be a jr this coming semester or the
one in the fall?
Mimi: it took me 6 and a half years to graduate
Raven_: I donn't guess, more like 4-infinity
Jody: it took me 5 and a half
phoenyxx: orange- I'm finishing up getting an associate's degree at
San Antonio College (community college).
HelloKit: What kind of help or services did/do you need in school
due to your disability?
Jody: private room in the dorms!!!
phoenyxx: don't get me started Carly :-)
Raven_: none, but ramps
Raven_: maybe yours...
kb9kyy: boom
kb9kyy: hehe
* HelloKit graciously makes a certain finger gesture in the general
direction of her local ISP...
Jody: lol
Mooooooo: lol
wood_girl: lol
phoenyxx: and instructors have been cool about it, like knowing that
I might be a little late for class sometimes.
* kb9kyy makes the same gesture toward his...
HelloKit: lol Brad
Diablo11: hello
kb9kyy: hi
wood_girl: wb diablo
HelloKit: How difficult is/was it to get these services?
HelloKit: ping me
Raven_: ramps aren't generally located next to classes here
Diablo11: can someone please tell me what NewNet server to use with
the IRC channel
HelloKit: irc.worldnetla.net
Jody: getting a private room took some doing but I got one for 3
kb9kyy: we ought to have a meeting on accessable ISP's
kb9kyy: gotta go...time for bed
kb9kyy: good night all
Raven_: i use Eskimo
wood_girl: really dif couldnt get them...
Jody: nnite
kb9kyy: http://members.tripod.com/gjkd/ <== Sign Guestbook (macro)
Mooooooo: Eskimo is always overburdened, use irc.worldnetla.net
phoenyxx: how hard is it too get services? If I went to the DSS
office at the college with a suitcase and said it was a nuclear
device they'd still say hell no to assistance.
Raven_: hmmmmmmmm............................yeah
HelloKit: Someone I know had some major problems with his school.
He's deaf and needed a strobe light hooked up to the fire alarm...
requested it well ahead of time and it still wasn't in place when
he got there.
Jody: time for a new college Simon
Raven_: anyone use DVR here?
HelloKit: One night there was a fire down the hall, his roommate
wasn't there to wake him...
wood_girl: that sucks
HelloKit: He was very upset that he could have died that night.
wood_girl: that's right
phoenyxx: Jody- I'm almost done there anyway.
orange: that's awful
Diablo666: hello am i here
Jody: ping me
HelloKit: Hey Diablo
Diablo666: hello am in here
HelloKit: Yep, you're here :o)
wood_girl: hi diablo
Diablo666: wow i actually did it
phoenyxx: Carly- a black hole in space doesn't suck like that, and
the real p***er is that some disability 'advocate' will actually
try to excuse that!
wood_girl: ya
Mimi: simon I love your colorful language :o)
HelloKit: lol
HelloKit: Did anyone get help paying for school?
Diablo666: i got on throug on the irc channel
phoenyxx: Mimi: like the time I wanted to rent a Ryder truck and
call it an 'accessability assurance device' :-)
Raven_: DVR pays it all
Jody: yep.... tap, pell, loans.... I didn't get anything because of
my physical problems tho..
Diablo666: mimi did oyu want me to change me nick
Mimi: bad, Simon...bad bad bad :o)
Mimi: yeah, that would be nice, Diablo :o)
Diablo666: if you can tell me how i will do it
*** Raven_ is now known as deus
Mimi: you make it look like a Black Mass in here
HelloKit: I took a college writing class through my high school
after I graduated... VR had agreed to pay for it, and to my
knowledge, a year later, they have never paid it and I got no
Diablo666: is it under setup
Mimi: type "/nick Diablo_" without the quotation marks
phoenyxx: Mimi: but you laughed, admit it! :-)
Mimi: just type that where you normally type your text
Mimi: ok, ok, I admit it :o)
deus: do u want to continue?
*** deus is now known as Raven_
*** Diablo666 is now known as Diablo_
Mimi: :o)
Diablo_: ok is that better
Mimi: thanks :o)
HelloKit: Was a very discouraging experience.
Mimi: yup, that's better
Diablo_: np
wood_girl: i bet hello
Diablo_: anything to make oyu peolpe happy
Raven_: ic...............
Mimi: aw, that sux carly
HelloKit: I've considered filing a complaint, but sometimes I think
it's not really worth it. I didn't do very well in the class
Raven_: I have to be chalanged, maybe u 2
Raven_: 25 orange
Diablo_: so what are we talking about
Raven_: courses
HelloKit: The topic is education, Diablo.
HelloKit: Did anyone find college to be too stressful or too much to
handle on top of your disability?
Diablo_: ok
Diablo_: i can handle that
Diablo_: can't tell haven't gone yet
Diablo_: but high school is hard enough
Raven_: personally, no, college helped me be more independant
Deb: the semester i had several seizures and needed to go on
anti-convulsants, i ended up with a 1.923 (failing) GPA
Raven_: and tolerant
Mimi: Yeah, Carly....my neurologist told me I couldn't go out an
party with my peers :o/
Deb: it was a baaaaaaaaaad time (freshman year too)
HelloKit: I agree, Diablo... high school can be a pain. I have lots
of stories I could tell you about high school...
Mimi: not supposed to drink or stay up late
Raven_: barely diablo
Jody: no drinking??? too bad
Deb: not supposed to drink here either (or do other mind-altering
substances) - -in college!! it's nearly impossible
HelloKit: Mind-altering substances... lol
Diablo_: i just hate the way people treat me and look and act to
Diablo_: me
Mimi: well, I drink anyway :o)
phoenyxx: sometimes you can get yourself into more trouble by trying
to appeal a bad grade on disability grounds.
Deb: me too, Mimi
Raven_: the only good thing i can say about highschool is that it's
Deb: and try the other mind alterers from time to time ;-)
HelloKit: If so, what could you have done to make it easier to
Diablo_: i wisah icould say the same reeven
Mimi: I still get loaded way too fast because of the meds, but I
don't drink much anyway...not anymore
Mimi: Deb, I can't handle it, drives me buggers
Deb: it's irritating
Deb: i can drink pretty much and don't let it worry me
phoenyxx: I hardly drink- a beer every now and then, and a drink
during the holidays, that's about it.
Mimi: I mean I can't handle other mind alterers
Mimi: what are you on, Deb?
Deb: i've only tried one and don't do it much
Deb: Mysoline a/k/a Primidone
Deb: you?
Mimi: Tegretol aka carbamepazine
Raven_: brb
Jody: talking drugs, eh?
Mimi: ever tried taking one and then drinking on an empty stomach??
Mimi: heh, yeah
Diablo_: the one time i drank i threw up over myself and sat in my
functions for quite a long while
Deb: back in college when my friends were trying all sorts of mind
alterers left and right i was too afraid to try anything
* HelloKit clears her throat... is this part of our "education"
discussion? ;o)
wood_girl: lol
Jody: for some....
HelloKit: heh
Diablo_: no i don't think so but it's close enouhgt
phoenyxx: A question I have for all of you here......
Deb: i am violently allergic to Tegretol, Mimi - had a terrible
allergic reaction to it -- classic -- rash, fever and all -- my
doctor took a picture of me
Mimi: LOL
HelloKit: Use red, Simon... catches their attention.
phoenyxx: Have any of you felt or been pressured to pursue something
you weren't interested because of your disability?
Mimi: well, that was how epilepsy affected my college experiance
Carly, sorry :o)
Mooooooo: Yes
HelloKit: Yes! Simon, very much so...
wood_girl: ya
Diablo_: hey i have to get ready for bed so i'
Deb: for me it was the bad reaction to the seizure medications -
-ended up getting me bad grades
Diablo_: ll see yenze all later
Raven_: mimi, whadda ya rinkin'?
wood_girl: bye diablo
Diablo_: what the hay i'
Mooooooo: I was told by a psychologist that I lack the basic
intelligence to do computer programming
Mooooooo: and that i should get some menial job
Diablo_: ll stay for a little while longer
Mimi: whoa
HelloKit: I enjoy doing graphics and design on my own time, under my
own terms... but school people wanted me to make a career out of
it. College art classes were not my idea of an interesting 4
Mimi: I'm glad you didn't listen to him Daniel :o)
Deb: really Mooooo!!!??? you shoudl sue!
Mimi: rinkin'? Raven?
Jody: hey, Dan, hack into his system and crash his files.....
HelloKit: lol!
Mooooooo: I was thinking about that Jody
Diablo_: is anyone here under the age of 18
Diablo_: besides me
Raven_: lol....drinkin'
Mooooooo: But I may send him a copy of the very large contract I got
Mimi: nothing these days, Raven, I'm breastfeeding!
HelloKit: heh, do it Daniel
Jody: lol
Mimi: cool :o)
Diablo_: mooo
Jody: go for it Dan
Mooooooo: \:o)
Diablo_: hey do you have any 3d games
Raven_: oblivious to that stuff, never thought..
HelloKit: Has anyone taken any correspondence classes or classes
over the internet?
Mooooooo: yes, I have a car :o)
Raven_: TV
Diablo_: send him the graphic file out of it
Jody: no but I thought about it
* Mooooooo took a 6 month course in emotional abuse over the net
Mimi: No, but I'm seriously considering it, Carly
HelloKit: lol Mooooooo
Diablo_: make sure it's the biggest
HelloKit: Or was that serious?
Mooooooo: that was *cough*bullshit*caroline*cough*cough*
Diablo_: it'll take em' almost an hour to recieve them i've sent
afew of those
HelloKit: I was going to take a correspondence US History class the
summer before my junior year in HS, in order to lighten my class
load the following semester.
Mooooooo: I think Keith is taking some classes with ZD online
HelloKit: But I decided against it. Not sure why.
Raven_: TV courses r bogus
phoenyxx: so it's a common thread to be told to take something
menial despite interests or ability?
Mimi: I would love to find a master's program on the internet!!
* Mimi is an old hag
Mooooooo: not me
Jody: me too, Mimi
Diablo_: well that didn't help
* HelloKit isn't under 18, but she is 18.
Mimi: ok, I'm 27
Diablo_: i'm looking for someone around my age
Raven_: 18? HAHAHA...
phoenyxx: me too Mimi
Diablo_: what are you laughing about
Mimi: you too what Simon? masters?
HelloKit: Yeah, what are you laughing about?
Raven_: mimi, can i be one oo (as i rem., you're only 2 yrs my sr.)
phoenyxx: I had a vocational counselor get mad at me for not
listening to her about clerical jobs and continuing my interest in
video production.
DopeHat: did i miss much
Raven_: too
phoenyxx: Mimi- the me too was that I am also 27
Diablo_: dope how old are you
DopeHat: 23
Diablo_: this bites
Mimi: ok Simon
phoenyxx: at the college I go to alot of the disability resources
are geared towards disabled students taking vocational courses for
clerical jobs.
Jody: 32
Mimi: we're nice people anyway, Diablo
Diablo_: noone in here is under 18 heck
Diablo_: i was lookin gfor someone to relate to age wise
HelloKit: Which did/do you prefer: college or correspondence
classes... and why?
Raven_: mimi, speak 4 yourself..hehe
Mimi: lol
Mimi: college!!
Jody: college!!!
phoenyxx: I like college classes. Even the early morning ones :-)
Jody: jinx
Mimi: I just adore the academic atmosphere and the access to all the
perks of campus life
Mimi: whoa, Jody
Jody: I loved all of it...
*** Diablo_ is now known as Diablo666
phoenyxx: Mimi: that helps too :-)
Raven_: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...cruelty of the fates
Diablo666: hello woood
Diablo666: what's up
Diablo666: hello loa
Mimi: Han! :o)
wood_girl: hey diablo
Diablo666: hold old are oyu
Diablo666: how old are you loa
Diablo666: and same for you wood
Diablo666: but i know you're not under 18
Diablo666: hello hiarman
Mimi: Harry! :o)
Lao-tzu: hey gang!
wood_girl: 20 diablo
Hairman: hi all
HelloKit: Personally, since I've done neither, I'm not really sure.
I can see the benefits of both.
wood_girl: hi hairman
Diablo666: how old are you hairman
Raven_: Ellen is soooooooooo funny...hehehe
Hairman: hi wg
*** Diablo666 is now known as Diablo_
Diablo_: well i want ages peole
HelloKit: What advice would you give to teens with disabilities
getting ready to graduate high school?
Lao-tzu: hey devil, 50
Diablo_: thanks
Mooooooo: to go and work harder than anyone
Raven_: hmmm....I wasn't disabled then....
phoenyxx: My advice- know what you want, and don't be deterred!
Jody: to investigate the college thoroughly... not just for
academics but for what they offer as services.
Jody: some, like the one I attended, do a lot for ALL of the student
Jody: s
Diablo_: hello Kat how old are you
Diablo_: never mind
wood_girl: ;)
Lao-tzu: doing statistics
HelloKit: Jody - and some schools only have DSS offices because they
have to...
wood_girl: ya
Diablo_: so hair how old are you
Hairman: 46
Diablo_: thanks
Hairman: ur welcome
Jody: I know Kit... but still. Talk to the students. Check and see
if there are visible students with disabilities...
Diablo_: hello al2
Hairman: :)
Mimi: la@
Mimi: oh, jees
wood_girl: hi al2
Mimi: al2 :o)
Diablo_: how old are you al2
Jody: If you see no disabled students.. that's a clear hint that the
school isn't helpful
al2: jello all (Spanish)
Hairman: kit ... do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Raven_: hola
Hairman: :)
HelloKit: Anyone else have any questions/comments concerning
educational opportunities?
Diablo_: hola
Jody: Carly, I think it has turned into a free-for-all
Raven_: los canal de "disablity" es bien
Diablo_: tu tenes an~on
HelloKit: lol Hairman... when I grow up? ;o) Actually, I'd like to
do something in the field of web design.
al2: oh... diablo... sorry i just saw the age question... 47
Deb: ?que quieren saber, amigos? ;-)
Raven_: tengo.......viently y cinco an~os
Diablo_: thanks
Mimi: I thought you wanted to counsel people with disabilities,
al2: but feel like 80
Raven_: que?
HelloKit: That too Mimi... I have a lot of things I'd like to do -
maybe I'll open up a "variety" business... hehe
Hairman: ok .... figure out all the things you need to do to
accomplish that goal .... then start knocking them off one at at
Diablo_: no tu feel tus an~on
HelloKit: I want to be a famous singer too, remember? ;o)
Hairman: and never give up ...