Mooooooo: Jody!!! :o)
Jody: Hello!!!
Antonios: We are lost alright! :) At least I am!
HelloKit: logging is on (maybe)
Antonios: looooooooost in spaaaaaaace!
* Jody HUGS Mooooooo
Mimi: Jody! :o)
Mooooooo: hold on
Jody: Hi Carly.... long time no see....
* Jody hugs and kisses Mimi
Jody: Hi there Mims....
Jody: what's the subject for tonight?
Mimi: :oD *hugs* Jody
Dancer: Judi and jody, hello and welcome!
Mimi: Disabled animals or some such
Fenicia: good night :)) see you a little later :)
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HelloKit: Everyone, I'm really sorry I didn't get the meeting reminder sent out this week.
judi: I have a disabled chihuahua
Jody: oh well... I'm well versed in that... all of my dogs have something
HelloKit: Tonight's topic is all about any 'disabled' pets we have ever had or seen.
judi: He has congestive heart failure, arthritis and can't see real well any more, he's 13
Jody: most of mine fit this category
Dancer: That could be the reason for the low attendance, hello! Grin.
Mooooooo: please tell me his name isnt 'Lucky'
HelloKit: lol
judi: Skippy
Mooooooo: heh, ok
Dancer: Is obesity considered a disability? Grin.
judi: We're thinking of building him a little ramp for the door he goes in and out of
HelloKit: lol could be Dancer
Mooooooo: Im trying to download the picture of my cat Bitsy
Mooooooo: with her broken leg in a cast
HelloKit: Aww... that would be neat, judi.
Jody: judi... you should try accupunture for Skippy. it's done wonders for our dogs...
judi: We're getting tired of lifting him in and out the door
HelloKit: We've had lots, but I'll let you guys share first before I take up all your time ;o)
judi: accupuncture?
Mooooooo: i would like to see someone try accupuncture on a cat
Jody: yep... for pets. Works great.
Jody: our vet does it
Mooooooo: we'll see who gets punctured the most
Mimi: lol
Jody: lol
Mimi: jinx
Jody: I'm slow tonight!
Dancer: I have a Miniature Pinscher named Scooter. She's obsessed with food. She used to sleep with me more often. Now someone has to lift her up because she can't make it herself.
Mimi: people use accupuncture on show and race horses all the time
Dancer: We raise Jack Russell Terriers, that's what 4 of our dogs are.
Jody: we have corgis
judi: That's great, Jody. I have wondered if we should have Skip put to sleep, but he's like one of the family.
Jody: and they have notorious back problems
*** LitterBox is now known as HelloKit
Jody: check the other alternatives first....
HelloKit: Sorry 'bout that.
Jody: where do you live judi?
judi: KY
Mimi: wb Carly :o)
Jody: horse country.... you should be able to find a vet that can do accupuncture/chiropractics or knows one that does
Dancer: Can dogs manage with only three legs?
Jody: ssure
Dancer: Or two?
Mooooooo: ive seen a few dogs do fine with 3
judi: I'll ask
Mimi: so have I
Dancer: Probably not two.
Antonios: accupuncture? what does this mean guys?
Jody: yep... they have special devices now for disabled dogs...
Mimi: a wheelchair like thingy, eh?
Mooooooo: accupuncture is chinese medicine. sticking you with needles
Jody: it is an asian technique using fine needles to hit certain trigger points on the body
HelloKit: Dancer, that was the perfect introduction to one of my pet stories...
Dancer: It's relief of pain.
judi: Not just anywhere, Antonio, at certain spots to deaden nerves
Antonios: Aha! I know what you mean but I didn't know how it is called in Eng... thanx..
Jody: it can trigger thee immune system too
HelloKit: We have a Yorkie... she's 5 yrs. old and very small... when she was a puppy someone cut through a tendon in her leg with scissors while she was being groomed...
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Jody: ouch!
Mimi: heya Jo :o)
Jody: poor thing
judi: how awful
Mooooooo: hi jo :o)
Jo: Hi Mimi Dancer, Jody judi Antonios Mooooooo HelloKit
judi: hey jo
HelloKit: It never healed and she has never been able to put weight on the leg. But she runs around on 3 legs just fine. In fact the other day this little tiny dog killed a rooster!
Jody: hiya
Jody: lol
Antonios: Hello Jo!!!
Antonios: :)
Jo: Hey ferret face i sitting here next to me.
Jo: is not I see his presence has my fingers all confused.
Mimi: Does ferret face have a name? :o)
Antonios: Hello FF from Piraeus Greece! :)))
Jo: Yeah Richard, Rick but he answeres to ferret face too.
Jo: Hello Antonios from ff
Jody: one of our girls fell off a 15' retaining wall in FL. she broke her back and was paralyzed. they did all kinds of massage and stuff and now she is always on the mmove
Mimi: hello Rick :o)
*** Antonios is now known as brbguys
Jo: Hello Mimi aren't you nice.
Jody: did anyone see the Fox newschannel special on dog chiropractors?
judi: no, tell us about it
Dancer: hello, Rick.
Jody: well, if you saw it you would have seen our vet and onee of our dogs. they used him because he is 9 but looks 2.
Jo: Hello Dancer gee you are nice too
Jody: the vet explained the procedure for animals and the benefits
Mooooooo: thats quite a compliment :o)
Jody: yeah.... they sent a limo for the dog.
Dancer: Hey, Jo is he typing for you? Thanks, whichever.
Mimi: most of us are :o)
Mooooooo: lucky dog :o)
Jo: Mimi and Dancer his tummy is full of turkey and dressing. We celebrated a Happy Thanks Birth Giving Day around here today. Only day off this week.
Jo: I take dictation well Dancer. He is too slow.
judi: That's really interesting. Don't laugh, but I give Skip massages on his legs and let him lay on a heating pad on rainy days
Mimi: cool! how fun :o)
Mimi: I was baking all day Jo
Jody: no... that's good for him
Dancer: Mine is tomorrow and Friday.
Jo: Yeah me too. Turkey, cookies, stuffing, sweet potatoes, he is well fed.
Dancer: Mom, too.
Jo: What is Friday Dancer?
Jody: do any of you get the wholesale pet catalogs?
judi: I never let my pets eat people food
Dancer: Tomorrow is Thursday for me.
Dancer: Today is Wednesday. I'm in Oregon.
judi: Yes, I have seen some, but never ordered anything
Jody: the prices are 1/2 to a 1/3 of the pet stores
Jo: It's Wed. in Texas too Dancer, we just only have this day off work this week.
Dancer: Laughing out loud.
judi: When Skip does die, I would like to get a service dog.
Jo: Heck ferret face can't stay home on Thurs. he get double time pay. I want the money.
Jody: service dog?
judi: A dog for the handicapped
Dancer: I want one too, but they're expensive.
judi: So, I've heard
Jody: they aren't supposed to cost anything.....
judi: I'm not even sure where you would get one
Jo: There are some grants you can get to get a free one.
Dancer: Jody, kinda like seeing eye dogs only you don't have to be blind.
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Jody: companion dogs....
Jo: Hi KamelRed
* KamelRed- has returned
Mimi: hey Kamel :o)
Jody: judi... check the American Kennel Club website. I think they might know..
Dancer: Yeah, only they help with other things like picking up stuff.
KamelRed-: Hiya Mimi
KamelRed-: Hiya Jo
judi: They learn to help with tasks, even dial 911 for help
Jody: we have 2 ITD dogs
Jo: Yeah they open the fridge, open doors, alert your to the phone and door bell, pick up stuff you drop.
judi: What's itd
Jody: International Therapy Dog.... they can go to hospitals and stuff like that
*** brbguys is now known as Antonios
judi: oh, thanks for the info
Jo: I got two TDD's here, totally dumb dogs.
* Antonios is back guys
HelloKit: lol
Jody: lol
Jody: I have a couple of those too
Jody: did you know that there is a doggie hemophilia?
Mimi: wb Antonios
Jo: Yeah I got two pound puppies, one is a chihuahua and the other is 30lbs of God only knows what.
Jo: wb Antonios of the long hair and brown eyes.
judi: No, I thought it was bad when Skip came close to having to have his tonsils out
Dancer: I must go eat. I may come back later, but am going to work on a web site.
Jo: bye bye Dancer
Jody: bye Dancer
judi: bye Dancer
Antonios: bye Dancer!:)
Antonios: C Ya !
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Dancer: My address is correct, they're just having troubles, keep me on the list.
Mooooooo: bye Dancer
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* Dancer hugs everyone. Dance always!
Jo: At least she doesn't have four stomachs to feed like mooooooo
* Antonios hugs Dancer back!
Jody: lol
Mooooooo: /:o)
*** Dancer has left irc (Leaving)
HelloKit: lol
Jody: hey Carly... I just thought of something. Wasn't the rooster larger than your Yorkie?
Mimi: hahahahah
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Jo: Hi Pyro
Jody: hi Pyro
KamelRed-: Hiya Pyro
Antonios: Hiya Pyro!:)
Pyro: hi
HelloKit: Yep, it was, Jody.
Jody: tuff little dog....
judi: ok Carly, tell the story
HelloKit: Yeah, it was weird... we've never seen her like that before.
Mimi: hey Jeff :o)
HelloKit: I didn't see it, but my mom said she had this psychotic look on her face... and she was coughing up feathers the rest of the day.
judi: lol
judi: I can just picture a yorkie with feathers flying
Antonios: So, is it a neuropsychotic dog?
HelloKit: hehe
Jody: lol..... it's that Napoleon complex of little dogs. Mine has it
judi: Sounds like shrink time to me
Jo: Yeah before it gets in the habit of doing that you'd better cure it. Some farmers have no sense of humor about that stuff.
HelloKit: She's usually just a real sweet dog... afraid of everything. She will only go near certain people - my parents, my bf, my younger sis and me. She stays away from the rest of the kids, and she hides and barks at strangers.
judi: Skip used to bite everyone's pants legs and hang on, but his teeth aren't good enough anymore
Jody: the rooster must have made some kind of threat that you are unaware of...
Jo: Now he just gums them to death right judi.
judi: Yup
judi: My cat attacks him though
Jo: roosters are very agressive and territorial.
HelloKit: We don't worry about it... the chickens are only a source of eggs, not money. We can replace them cheap.
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Jody: my 24 lb. dog launched herself at a 120 lb. Bernese Mt. dog. It just looked at her. If it could've laughed, it would've.
^yOda: h everybody :)
Mimi: hey yoda :o)
*** ^yOda is now known as Tarn19
Antonios: Hello yoda!!! :)
Antonios: Hello Tarn19 too!:)))
Jo: Oh poor Antonios looking for gentle breezes, calming conversation and agood time and he gets the vet clinic instead.
Tarn19: hi - that was my sister's nick
Jody: I worked at the zoo. you should see what they do for animals there.
judi: I have a friend in Georgia that works in a zoo
Tarn19: I've never known what time this channel is - is there anyone here from Sydney Australia?
Jo: Sonora, Texas here Tarn19
judi: She and her husband built a guinea pig habitat in their back yard
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Tarn19: Jo: cool
HelloKit: Not sure what time it is there, Tarn... but it's 6:43 here. The meeting started 43 mins. ago.
Antonios: when my brothers and I were teenagers, my mother lived in a Zoo! :)
Jody: people should get the level of medical care that the animals in a zoo receive
Tarn19: its 1:44pm here
judi: Ky here and it is now 8:40pm
Jo: No warm it was 73 today.
Jody: NY: 9:43pm
Jo: It is 8:48PM here Tarn19
HelloKit: Well then, looks like meetings are 1 PM your time, Tarn.
Tarn19: yep I figured that
Tarn19: :)
judi: Antonios, what time is it there?
Antonios: 5:40 in the morning...
Tarn19: gee thats early
Jody: whoa... you get up that early to join us?
HelloKit: Yikes!
Jo: Antonios, keeper of the flame, guardian of Olympus.
Antonios: I used to be a Vampire when I was young...
Tarn19: where u from Antonios?
judi: People get up that early?
Antonios: Piraeus, Greece
Antonios: Ooooops, sorry, wrong clock...
Antonios: 4:50 in the morning....
Antonios: SORRY GUYS!!!!
Tarn19: thats worse!!!!!!!!!111
Jody: man....
Mimi: ack
judi: that's worse
Mimi: you're nuts :o)
Antonios: :oPPPPPP
Jo: Ferret face got up that early all the time in the military.
Jody: Jo... is Ferret face your husband?
judi: My hubby gets up at 4, by himself
Jo: Yeah my sweetie pie.
Jody: I thought you were talking about your pet :)
Mimi: that's nothing, my baby gets up at 1 ;o)
HelloKit: lol!
Tarn19: thats a good name I might call my b/f something similar
Jody: which one Mimi... JF or Alex?
Mimi: HA!
Jo: No I've had him for 17 years and that is his nickname.
Antonios: haha!
Mimi: Alex of course...JF sleeps all day if possible
* HelloKit refers to Chris as her child.
Jody: he followed you home one day, Jo and you decided to keep him. right? ;)
Jo: Hey he has Emperor Hirohito glasses and false teeth on top. He drops the false teeth over his bottom lip and makes faces at me. Ferret face.
Jo: No he heard me on a CB raido and tried to drink the town drunk under the table to find out where I lived.
Jody: even better!
Jo: Yeah he came back three times before someone took pity on his pocketbook and told him where I was.
Jody: lol
Jo: Then I couldn't get rid of him so I kept him.
Jody: you have to admire persistence....
judi: lol
Jo: Anyone willing to take on a widow in a wheelchair with a kid is a definate keeper, especially with his military pay and allowances. he he.
judi: Gotta go guys, thanks for cheering me up tonight.
Jody: definitely what my aunt calls a 'keeper'
Jo: by judi keep smiling.
Mooooooo: take care judi :o)
Tarn19: bye judi:)
Antonios: C Ya later Alligator!
judi: Everyone have a happy turkey day
Jody: bye judi.... good luck with Skippy
Antonios: TC! :)
*** judi has left irc (judi)
Jo: Speaking of turkey, ferret face is hungry again so I gotta go heat some up for him. Catch you all another time when I don't have to amuse him.
Jody: bye Jo
Mooooooo: bye Jo :o)
Jo: Mimi Alex is less trouble.
Tarn19: cya jo - nice to meet u
Mimi: no kidding :o)
Jo: bye bye
Mimi: bye Jo :o)
*** Jo has left irc (Jo)
Mimi: she's a stitch :o)
Jody: how is Alex Mimi?
Mimi: he's doing great, thanks, Jody :o)
Mimi: getting hungry at the moment
Antonios: Hey guys! I saw on TV some days ago, for a guy, who suffered from Parkinsons disease and had a dog, exactly the same like a seeing dog, who'd help him with his life...
Jody: ah.. to be a baby and only have to worry about eating, sleeping and, well you know
Tarn19: hehe thats tru
Jody: they're called companion dogs, Antonios
Mimi: I saw that guy too
Mimi: or some guy like him anyway
Tarn19: In Australia we call them 'pets as therapy'
Tarn19: Companion dogs sounds much better tho
Jody: Mimi, they have dogs especially trained for people with epilepsy
Antonios: It wasn't just a companion dog... this dog helped him walk, he even lened on the dog in the street, and
Mimi: that's so cool
Tarn19: thats great
Jody: apparently dogs have the ability to sense when a seizure is about to happen
Antonios: when he had seizure the dog stepped on the guy's toe and stopped the spastic moves...
Jody: they are trained to keep the person calm and to alert others
Antonios: It was amazing...
Tarn19: sstepping on a persons toe stops epilepsy?
Jody: Antonios... it is a big movement here in the US to train dogs to aid the disabled.
Antonios: The guy lived by his own, and he said that when he took him the dog wasn't trained... that's why they had it on the news... somewhere in Austria I think
Jody: they have them for hearing, wheelchair bound, epilepsy... all kinds of disabilities
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Antonios: welcome Leo!
Tarn19: hi Leo
^LEO: hello
^LEO: all
Mimi: hey leo :o)
^LEO: how is everyone?
Jody: just fine, thank you
Tarn19: excellent thankyou :)
Mimi: great thanks
Antonios: I am ok too! Thanx!
Antonios: How R U?
Jody: brb... I want ice cream
Tarn19: It is sooooooo hot here - 42 degrees celcius!!!!!
Mooooooo: wow!
Mimi: i want pumpkin pie
Antonios: Boo Hoo Hoooooo!
* Antonios is crying out loud!
Tarn19: whats wrong?
* Antonios wants the sun to be hot again
Tarn19: how cold is it in Greece?
* Antonios is jealous of Australians!
Tarn19: hehe
Tarn19: come to Australia
* Antonios slaps BRUCE with a snowball!
Antonios: 10 degrees C!
Antonios: And that is cold for us!