Lonewolf: ignore him
Mooooooo: ok
Mooooooo: its on
Mooooooo: and i gotta fix a bug too
Lonewolf: am I doing it wrong?
Mooooooo: nope
Mooooooo: i messed up
Lonewolf: ok
Lonewolf: lol-long as it was you
Lonewolf: go gettum guys
Lily: ok
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Lonewolf: ok well welcome to the meeting
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Lonewolf: Tonight we are talking about heat and related irritations
Lonewolf: is anyone else coming?
Lonewolf: lol
Lonewolf: mooo is herding them over just a sec
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Lily: lol, he good herder
beat: yes
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mitch59: welcome mitch59!
Mooooooo: ok
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mitch59: welcome Reader_13!
Mooooooo: all thats coming are coming
Lonewolf: Tonight we are talking about heat and related irritations
Lonewolf: Some of you live in areas where it is not summer right now so please pretend
Lonewolf: Heat, sweat etc are a big problem for people with braces, appliances of any sort
Lonewolf: Some disabilities are especially effected by heat irritation
Lonewolf: 1. Do you have any heat related irritations?
Lonewolf: 1. Do you have any heat related irritations?
Lonewolf: beat
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mitch59: welcome Woz!
Mooooooo: i dont usually
Lonewolf: sorry Mitch no hi's and bye's during meeting
Lonewolf: Max-1. Do you have any heat related irritations?
beat: I get really bad spasms
Lonewolf: from the heat?
Lonewolf: how about heat rashes etc
Woz: hehe
Lonewolf: anyone here wear a brace or appliance of any sort
Lonewolf: ??
Lonewolf: I wear a neck brace and it is miserable
Lonewolf: rash, irritation
Lonewolf: ok WAKE UP GROUP
beat: I wear what we call a secound skin
Lonewolf: what is that beat
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mitch59: welcome ROCK-!
ROCK-: tanks
Lonewolf: 2. This heat is making my brace/appliance/etc too uncomfortable to
Lonewolf: >bear-what do I do?
Lonewolf: rock
beat: It mainly used on burns paticent, But it make out of licra and covers your hold body
Lonewolf: is it hot?
ROCK-: I have epilepsy and when I go outside in the sun,the meds I take cause migrane headaces
Lonewolf: ouch
beat: You bet it is
Lonewolf: I have found wrapping nylon scarves around the neck brace helps
Lily: why?
Lonewolf: and a cotton tee-shirt under a back brace helps
Lonewolf: it is easier against the skin than whatever they make the brace out of
Lonewolf: max
Woz: sheepskin?
Lonewolf: wouldn't that be hotter
Lonewolf: reader
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Woz: breathes
Lonewolf: oh
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Lonewolf: reader?
Reader_13: Wouldn't nylon make you sweat more? How about silk or cotton shirt ripped up?
Lonewolf: even better
Lonewolf: I think I meant silk
Lonewolf: max
Woz: maby duoderm
Lonewolf: does it come that big?
Woz: dont know for shure how big
Lonewolf: sometimes baby powder helps
Reader_13: Isn't it expensive?
Lonewolf: think so
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Lonewolf: 3. I can't breathe in this heat, what do I do?
wacomz: What is this channel?
beat: Yea we
Lonewolf: reader
Lily: wacomz, ill explain privately
Woz: thare is also a product similar to dueoderm that has some silicone in it it is reusable
Reader_13: Drink a lot of water. Stay in air conditioning as much as possible.
beat: sorry
Lonewolf: what's the name of it max
Lonewolf: rock
Woz: i will have to look it up
Woz: sorry
ROCK-: is this about stress also
Lonewolf: ok
Lonewolf: can be
Lonewolf: heat does bring on irritability
Reader_13: Wear loose clothing...
Lonewolf: yea
Lonewolf: sunlight brings on flares for me
Lonewolf: humidity increases stress
Lonewolf: sis
Lily: my neuro said.....even hot showeers can affect many of his patients
Lonewolf: true
Lonewolf: beat
ROCK-: the 6 times my heart has stopped and I was on life support was because of extreme stress
Lonewolf: from heat rock?
Lonewolf: max
beat: I find that stress makes my dis. a lotworse
Woz: sorry cant find the name just ask at med supply house for the reusable form of
Woz: dueoderm
Lonewolf: ok thx max
Lonewolf: reader
ROCK-: no,just stress from things i forgot to do,and caused someone hardship
Lonewolf: IC rock
Reader_13: Extreme humidity messes with my body temperature since I can't control it anymore... and I could pass out if I'm not careful...
Lonewolf: totally off subject but did you happen to experience any unusual occurrences when your heart stopped?
Lonewolf: Sis
Lily: humidity causes my brain to swell, headaches result
Lonewolf: yes that happens in many disabilities
ROCK-: no,I was clinically dead 6 times
Lonewolf: my body seems to react strangely to temp changes
Lonewolf: reader
Lonewolf: so sorry rock
Reader_13: I've found that ice water is great to drink in hot weather if I can't get out of the humidity.
Lonewolf: yes
Lonewolf: beat
beat: how Lonewolf?
Lonewolf: well it can be cold outside and I will be sweating buckets
Lonewolf: in heat sometimes I don't sweat and I end up passing out
Lonewolf: rock
Lonewolf: beat
beat: Yes I know what you mean
ROCK-: thats a heat stroke,you're body can' hande the change it temp.fast enough
Lonewolf: yes I know makes it really hard to breathe too
Lonewolf: reader
ROCK-: sorry,I'm a slow typer
Lonewolf: no problem
Reader_13: I saw ads for mist bottles that spray on your face...
Lonewolf: anyone ever used one before?
Lonewolf: rock
Mooooooo: yep
Mooooooo: i have one
Mooooooo: they work great
Lonewolf: help?
Lonewolf: ok
Lonewolf: maybe I will try it
ROCK-: don't drink ice water,that can give you a heart attack
Lonewolf: beat
Reader_13: I saw the ad in the new mobility magazine...
Lonewolf: hadn't heard that one rock
Lonewolf: I'll checkit out
Mooooooo: for about $25 you can get on that hooks up to a hose for outside
Lonewolf: ok reader
ROCK-: you're body can't switch fast enough,and it shuts down
Lonewolf: makes sense
Reader_13: Ice water actually slows my body down bringing down my pulse down--if I drink it slowly...
Lonewolf: hum
Lonewolf: so maybe it depends on the amount of heat, time taken drinking it and what condition you have
Reader_13: I agree...
Lonewolf: beat did you have something?
ROCK-: I've had many people fall out fro heat,and we got them in th shade and used a shirt to fan them
Lonewolf: yes
Lonewolf: anyone with breathing problems here?
ROCK-: slow cooling is the answer
Lonewolf: 3. I can't breathe in this heat, what do I do?
Lonewolf: rreader
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Lonewolf: I'm gonna pitch in allergies here also
ROCK-: your lungs are geting enough oxegen so remember that
Reader_13: Stay in air conditioning as much as possible, wear loose clothing and don't over exert yourself if possible...
Lonewolf: I have to wear a mask in august every year
Lonewolf: daniel can u bring em all back
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ROCK-: watch the heat index more than the temp.
Lonewolf: good one rock
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Reader_13: isn't it usually the humidity that makes it hard to breathe much more than the heat?
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Lonewolf: yes it is reader
Lonewolf: I have asthma
ROCK-: yes
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Lonewolf: both are hard on me
Lonewolf: I'm allergic to corn pollen
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Lonewolf: and live in the country
Lonewolf: between two corn fields
Lonewolf: have to wear mask in late July and Aug
ROCK-: we have that here in Louisiana,at night the humidity is at 97%
Lonewolf: almost died in garden one year picking corn
Lonewolf: oh my
Lonewolf: daniel is everyone back?
Mooooooo: yes
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Lonewolf: ok
ROCK-: water drips off the roof,and it isn't raining
Lily: hello???????
Lonewolf: 4. The sun makes me sick, why and hat do I do about it?
Lonewolf: I can't stress sunblock enough
Lonewolf: some conditions and some meds make you sun sensitive
Reader_13: wear a hat
Lonewolf: absolutely
zow: sombraro
Lonewolf: light clothing
Reader_13: loose clothing
Lonewolf: yes
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ROCK-: It heats up you're inside so much,try a drink that doesn't have too much sodium
Lonewolf: some of us just cannot go out in the sun
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Reader_13: drink a lot of liquids
Lonewolf: caffeine is not a good choice either
Lily: whew
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Lonewolf: sis
Lily: stay out of it:)
Lonewolf: yes I have to now but I hate it
Lily: tepid shoers, air dry
Lonewolf: good point sis
Lonewolf: why air dry guys
Lily: dont use towel
Lonewolf: absorbing moisture through the skin
Mooooooo: evaporation takes away heat
Lonewolf: yes
Reader_13: the air cools your body as the water dries
Lonewolf: anymore ideas?
Mooooooo: go naked
Lily: lol
Lonewolf: rofl
zow: hehe
ROCK-: :)
Lonewolf: would scare world Moooooo
Reader_13: plan outside trips ahead and make them short...
Lonewolf: 5. What happens when we can't sweat?
Lonewolf: we really have already answered this
Lonewolf: heat stroke
Lonewolf: 6. Why am I so weak?
Lonewolf: loss of fluids and electrolytes
Lonewolf: so what IS good to drink?
Lonewolf: zow
Reader_13: water
zow: gateraid
Lonewolf: ok
zow: it replaces potasium
Lonewolf: yes
Lonewolf: actually what rock said earlier is very true
Reader_13: fruit drinks
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Lonewolf: liquids that are too cold can harm you
zow: yup
Lonewolf: fruit drinks are excellent
Lonewolf: replaces your glucose levels
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Lonewolf: my husband works outside and has copd
Lonewolf: breathing is really hard for him right now
Lonewolf: also weakness
Reader_13: what's that?
Lonewolf: the telephone co has a drink they supply to replace electrolyte
zow: cardio pulminary
Lonewolf: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Reader_13: Thanks...
Lonewolf: asthma/empysema/chronic bronchitis
Lonewolf: ok
ROCK-: gatorade is not good good at all,except that it's liquid
Lonewolf: any more concerns ideas or questions
Lily: night all
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Lonewolf: I have heard that rock
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ROCK-: it does not put electrolites back in
Reader_13: I must go. Bye. Good meeting.
Lonewolf: I think gatoraide has been over advertised
Lonewolf: ok
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Lonewolf: well thank you all for coming
Lonewolf: see you next week
Lonewolf: I am working on our relaxation series
Lonewolf: goodnight
zow: nite tks