Lonewolf: ok Holiday Blues
Lily: yes
Lonewolf: 1.Do you experience more depressive thoughts during the holiday season?
suze: i'm afraid i don't have them
Lily: im strung out already
Lily: i do
Kim^^: i do too
suze: ok, talk about it
Lily: too much happening
Wakemon: not this year
zelda: miss my family seems harder during the holidays
suze: yes, this year i got an early start so i don't feel so stressed
Lily: too many things that i have to do, rather than want to do
suze: I've spaced out my activities and started early
zelda: i did shopping by internet so didnt have to brasve the malls this year
suze: can u reduce your activities
zelda: that was a big help
Lily: yes, suze, im trying to
suze: my friend and i decided some things we will do this year, others next year
zelda: lily can you bring it back down to what you want to do
Kim^^: talking doesn't help what i feel i want my mama back and kids still live with dad soi i don't think avout it and pretend happy:)
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judi: ok
suze: kim, do u have ppl to spend holidays with?
zelda: Kim i understand miss my father and grandmother
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suze: r there compromises that can be made in seeing kids?
Lily: but, zelda, than family and frinds wud be disappointed
Kark: I kinda am but know I might be worried about venting
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zelda: i mean try to comprimise Lily
zelda: and i bet they would not be as disapointed as ling as you spent time wiht them and were not frazzled and tired from
zelda: trying to do everything
suze: sometimes we must put ourselves before others
Lily: i try to spread things out
suze: especially where your health is concerned
Lonewolf: 2. What do you do to decrease your depression?
Kim^^: my children do not want to see me and i'm scared to see them:(
Lily: but am exhausted by boxing day
zelda: and lily you will be happier if you do what you want and your family will pick up o this and enjoy the holiday more
Lonewolf: Kim why are you scared to see them
Lily: i think u right, zelda
Kim^^: i don't think about it is how i hold it down
suze: yes, give yourself permission to control what happens to you
suze: take charge
Kim^^: cuz the boy tried to slit my throat when he lived here and still says he will:)(
Lonewolf: your son?
Lily: kim, thats awful
Kim^^: yes'
suze: r u depressed kim? do you take anything for depression?
zelda: I focus on the things I enjoy about the holiday and rember my family in a happy way and not dwell on them being gone
Lonewolf: so you just repress it?
Kim^^: but he's my boy:)
Lonewolf: yes
Kim^^: yes repress am on antidepressant yes suze
woz: how old
suze: ok, good
Kim^^: 18 bnow
Kim^^: 15 when he tried to kill me
Lonewolf: I get very depressed because I can't do like I used to
Lonewolf: he lives with his father?
zelda: yes Lone that is frustrating
suze: i know how difficult that is LW, I try to be thankful for what i do have
suze: what i can still do
zelda: i agree suze
suze: and remember that there are others who r much worse off than i
Lonewolf: this year is really hard because we are tighter on money and drew names with kids and spouses
Kim^^: mny son? don't know where he is right now father chaSed ghinm off at gunpoint?
zelda: I get sooo tired at times
woz: old memories die hard
Lonewolf: oh Kim so sorry
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zelda: but lone rember the reason for holiday
Kim^^: :)
Lily: ahhhhh
Lonewolf: yes but it is the first year I have not had big present for each one
suze: i find that there are lots of things ppl can do that cost nothing or very little money
suze: u just have to be inventive
suze: there all alive and that is a great present indeed
Lonewolf: suze I have been trying to make things and it has really hurt me
Kim^^: yes i got both of my kids portable cd players with marboro miles
suze: and so are u, and that is joyful for all of them
zelda: one thing i started giving my stepmother and she loves it is one full day where I do what ever she would like with her
Lonewolf: neat Kim
Lonewolf: that's good zelda
suze: that's great zelda
Kim^^: neaT but they won'tr think so judi:(
zelda: that could be spending the weekend wiht her helping her clean house, going swimming wiht her cooking her favorite meal
Lonewolf: this IS depressing me
suze: i am taking three of my closest friends to the theatre for three different plays, all of which i got for free for doing volunteer work for these organizations
Lily: my hubby gave me a cleaning lady one year
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Kark: yes
Lonewolf: my biggest talent is lying in bed
Lily: my hubby gave me a cleaning lady one year
suze: omg lily, that'
zelda: then lone what about story time wiht them sharing memories
suze: s best gift ever, lol
Kim^^: myt sister brings in a cleaning crew too lily:)
Lily: lol, yup
suze: u know what i gave my niece last year
zelda: lisenting to music with them
Kim^^: ?
suze: didn't cost a penny
Kim^^: ?
Lily: babysitting gift certificates
Lily: ??
suze: i wrote out on little pieces of paper all the things about her that r special to me
Lonewolf: u guys are all mobile
suze: so she could read one for each day of the year
zelda: how neat suze
suze: she has kept them all!!!!!
suze: u could do that on the couch
Lonewolf: what means do you use to raise spirits?
Kim^^: that is nice sauze i might actually try that with my daughter thanks:)
Lily: i called the cdn mint and otdered coin proof sets
woz: judi you give the gift of love it is the most precious of all
Kark: I help decorate the tree at work and standing made my hips and leg hurt
Kark: it made me feel bad that I can keep up anymore
suze: i play christmas music at home
Lonewolf: thanks max
zelda: ill tel you i take prozac has helped my hips immensxly
suze: i decorate my home and really enjoy it
suze: me too zelda, prozac rules
Lily: me too, suze
Kark: also the pressures of shopping hurts too
Sue: I try remember the don't get too hungry, angry, lonely, tired and practice as much as I can
Lonewolf: personally I feel frantic right now
Kim^^: i don't try tp lift my spirits just don't go around anyone so they don'tr habe to dea;
Kim^^: why judi?
woz: judi explain
Lonewolf: well today for instance
zelda: i have not decorated yet been too busy wiht work but going to start this weekend and do a little at a time
Wakemon: am i lagging?
Lonewolf: I had a list of thins to do a mile ling
suze: i ask for help when i need it
Lonewolf: I tried to sit at sewing machine and started blacking out
Lily: 7 sec.
Wakemon: thanx lily
zelda: lone you need to take small tasks and not get overwhelmed wiht a big list and do what you can
suze: last year, i had tree trimming party and my friends came over and literally put my tree and all the decorations up w/me
Lonewolf: made it back here and pretended I had just come back to channel to chat'
woz: judi you try to carry the world on your sholders
Lonewolf: I know max
suze: this year, my mom came over and helped me get started w/decorations and i was able to finish by myself
woz: you help ppl in chat
Lonewolf: didn't get work done
suze: when u need help, ask for it
Lonewolf: lol
Lily: no, not that work, judi, but different
zelda: cool suze i do that every year wiht tree and everyone loves it
Lonewolf: everybody in my family is either busy or pregnant ruight now
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woz: you give so much of your self to others you have nothing to give your self
zelda: i cant get tree up by myself they have a grand ole time
atrpilot: ph.no.
suze: we need to stop being so selfless and ask others for help
Lonewolf: ok les go on
Lily: then, do less, judi, accept it
woz: let someone cary part of the load
Lonewolf: 3. Do you experience suicidal thoughts?
suze: does your family know how u feel or are you keeping that from them?
zelda: people like to help we just have to be willing to accept help
suze: YES< zelda
Lonewolf: part of family is here
suze: absolutely
zelda: as my grandmother use to tell me quit being so darn independent
suze: do they know?
Lily: true
Lonewolf: and she better not try to help right no
Lonewolf: Cindy?
CindyB: I'm here
suze: o i c
zelda: hahahahhaha lone right
Lonewolf: explain how busy everyobne is
CindyB: Husband and daughter are always out of town, sons are out of town
suze: is it possible to hire a high schooler to help out for awhile?
CindyB: she doesn't want me around, afraid I'll barf on her
Lonewolf: she's pregnant
CindyB: lol
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CindyB: But she really had no one
suze: bet alot of kids whould like to earn some money for christmas
Lonewolf: maybe suze
Lily: brb
zelda: im heading to shower check yall out later
Lonewolf: lets go on to next question
zelda: night all
suze: talk to someone at local high scholl
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Lonewolf: do I ned to repost question
Lonewolf: 3. Do you experience suicidal thoughts?
suze: anyone?
Lonewolf: anyone?
Driveshaf: nope
Wakemon: nope
Kark: no but I do wonder whats the use of making much of an effort
Lonewolf: ok
suze: if anyone does, please don't be afraid to tell someone and get help
Mooooooo: i did
Lonewolf: what did you do Daniel?
Mooooooo: i got help
Mooooooo: got meds
Mooooooo: got better
Lonewolf: to allieviate the situation
Lonewolf: ok
Mooooooo: now i gots my Laura :o)
suze: i suggest that when ppl feel depressed they seek help and try not to be too isolated from others
atrpilot: ph.no.
Lonewolf: suze you can't always do that
suze: want it charlie
suze: it can be on phone too
atrpilot: no
suze: no??
Lonewolf: I hate to talk because it upsets Cindy
Lonewolf: but I have thought planned even
suze: no, u need to say how u feel
atrpilot: kidding
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wacky: I hate holidays
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Lonewolf: would like to leave country during christmas
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CindyB: You can tell them, I'll go get a drin and go potty
Lonewolf: ok
Lily: back
Lonewolf: get very depressed and can't talk to anyone suze
Lily: me too, judi:)
Lonewolf: black hole
suze: i would suggest you see someone and take antidepressants
Lonewolf: I'm sure Daniel knows what I am talking about
suze: i take anti-d and it has changed my whole life
Lonewolf: I do
suze: i've been there too LW
Kark: When I get depressed I might start to but then I shy off
suze: believe me, i was really bad off
Lily: holidaysvery stressful
Kark: Specially around the holidays
woz: i will be glad to discuss depression wit anyone at any time i have had personal experience
Lonewolf: For me Christmas reminds me of everything bad
suze: is there not one person you can really talk to about this who you trust
wacky: its abunch of lies holiday u see ppl u never see otherwise say I love you and u barely know then, tell em things a wonderful even if they suck it a bit of an act
Kark: around the holidays people to busy to listen
Lonewolf: wonderfully stated brian
Lily: i agree, wacky
suze: wow, i feel very differently
Lonewolf: suze whe I get to the talk stage I talk to husband
suze: it seems to me that ppl are more friendly, cheery
suze: that's been my experience
suze: am i the only one?
Camille3: you no ppl xmas isn't about uu
wacky: too cheery if ask me
suze: lol
Lonewolf: true Cam
suze: no such thing
Mooooooo: i gotta run
Mooooooo: bye ya'll
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woz: i have alos seen mu daughter comatos
suze: I'm cheery all the time
Lily: suze, what city is this?????????
suze: u must hate me
suze: chicago
Lonewolf: max sos sorry
suze: but, i guess i'm talking about my interaction w/my friends
woz: do not be
wacky: suze send me a bit of u for christmas
Lily: no, just hasnt been my expeience
Camille3: no suze is same here in st louis
suze: i'm just so grateful for my health and what i have and what i look forward to
suze: that i don't let anyone get me down
Sue: bye ya'll - gotta go
Lonewolf: good attitude
suze: i am excited every day
woz: i have been a conservat for 2 ppl who have had depression
suze: i wasn't always like this though
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Kark: I am going to say good night
suze: u can look at things in so many different ways
wacky: NITE Karen
Lonewolf: 4. Does the preparation for Christmas contribute to your depression?
CindyB: I'm back, but have to go..great seeing you all.
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Lily: yes, is hectic
suze: i'm sorry, maybe i'm bringing ppl down w/my cheer
suze: don't leave on account of me
wacky: not depression just a feeling of isolation
Lonewolf: no suze good for us
Kark: Thanks wacky, night night. And I will say YES to #$
Kark: 4
suze: i told someone this story the other night and they laughed
woz: as a conservator i also have some knowledge about the law
Lonewolf: ok I'll tell on Lily
Lily: lol, what i do now???????
Lonewolf: she has social obligations because of husband's job
Lonewolf: is hard for her
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Lonewolf: adds strsss
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atrpilot: suze you pep ppl up need more like you
Lily: well, i just say no, i cant entertain
suze: one christmas many years ago when i was in college, broke and living in a tiny studio someone gave me a small christmas tree
suze: i put it on top of a table and decorated it
suze: that little tree made me soo happy in that dingy place, i kept it up til april
Lily: but stress comes when i then feel guilty
suze: every night i would light it up and just enjoy it
Lonewolf: 5. Are your family get togethers stressful?
wacky: YES
Lonewolf: suze we could use a dose of you all around
Lily: lol, yes
suze: thx
suze: seriously, i had that tree up til april, and it really put me in a good mood!!!!!!
Lily: sprinkle suze on eggnog
Lonewolf: great
suze: yes, family get-togethers can be stressful
Lonewolf: our family has 2 type get togethers-great and awful
suze: i try to plan my arrival with enough time for me to rest
wacky: feel like a w/c user in a house full of stairs.... wiat that is what happens every time: no wonder!
Lily: lol
suze: i often lay down at some point for an hour or so between events since we go to two different homes on christmas
Lonewolf: everyone comes to my house because of that wacky
Lily: suze, i cant lay down, am running events
suze: i pace myself
suze: sure u can
suze: let family take over
Lonewolf: do any of you have the one person has to be in a rotten mood thing
suze: that's what i would do
Lily: yup
suze: not really
suze: haven't exp that
wacky: yea well I tried that IT didnt work remember how pissed I was at thanksgiving
suze: lily, let the others take over
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Lonewolf: hubby and I bet on which one it will be each holiday
Lily: o, dont go back in there, wacky
suze: wow, that happens all the time?
suze: one person in bad mood?
Lonewolf: yes
wacky: oops I peeved a bot I forgot
Lonewolf: high strung
suze: i would steer clear of them, i guess
Lonewolf: 6. If you had to chose, who would you spend Christmas with?
suze: or overwhelm them w/my cheer
Lonewolf: lol
Lily: hmmmmmmmmm
suze: to the point where they either join in or leave, lol
Lily: lol
Lonewolf: I give them the I'm still your mother look
suze: my family
wacky: Someone with an accessible home!
suze: i don't see them so much that i'm sick of them
Lonewolf: ahh
Lily: my friend
Lily: s
suze: i love holidays
Lonewolf: I would spend Christmas with my dad
Camille3: my kids
wacky: I hate depending on others for things I can normally do my self
Lonewolf: yes
wacky: but in reality... one more chirstmas with my dad
Lonewolf: 7. Do you push yourself to the extreme during the holidays?
Lonewolf: me too brian
Lily: i like having good frinds at table
suze: not me
wacky: YES
Lonewolf: I miss him
Lily: yes
Lonewolf: yes
Camille3: a little
suze: i don't do anything i don't feel capable of or want to do
Lily: i get strung out
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wacky: so do I judi
Lily: is very stressful
Lily: yes, i miss mom and dad
Lonewolf: 8. Do you incorporate rest and proper diet into your schedule?
suze: yes
wacky: Rest??
Lily: i try to
suze: completely
suze: i do
wacky: wish I culd
Lily: hard to rest tho
Lonewolf: I think we have found suze's secret
suze: lol
Lily: what???
suze: yes, i do all those things
Lonewolf: she takes care of herself so she can enjoy
suze: absolutely
Lily: hmmmmmmmm
suze: and nobody wants to see me get sick or stressed out either
Lonewolf: diet is hard though
wacky: but for me holidays are a drag race, but the onlthing I am dragging is my body up and down stairs
Lonewolf: all those goodies
suze: so, although it may seem selfish that i don't overtax myself, everyone wins in the end
Lonewolf: yes
suze: i don't feel i have to eat everything that day
suze: i take lots of food home w/me
suze: and savor for the next week
Lonewolf: everybody leaves the food here
suze: then u don't have to worry about it
Lonewolf: Cindy left 6 pies at THanksgiving
Lonewolf: 6
suze: OMG
suze: wow
Lonewolf: felt obligated to eat as much as possible
suze: pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Lonewolf: exactly
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suze: that's why we have freezers
Lonewolf: lol
suze: freeze and eat at leisure
Lonewolf: well any closing thoughts?
woz: hugs all
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Lonewolf: hugs max
suze: i hope anyone who is feeling badly has others to talk to
suze: and pls ask for help for yourself
suze: merry christmas
suze: enjoy
Lonewolf: wakemomyou haven't said a word
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Lonewolf: thanks suze
Lonewolf: Kim?
Lonewolf: Lily?
Lily: night
Lonewolf: nite sis
Lily: no:)
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