Lonewolf: I'm back
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Mooooooo: Howdy peoples
Lonewolf: howdy
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MsAmazin: hi ya
WonderW: hi there
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Mooooooo: Im not sure how to do this meeting
Lonewolf: I'll get ya started if you want
Mooooooo: because I'm Y2K compliant
Mooooooo: ok
Mooooooo: please
Lonewolf: log on?
Mooooooo: yep
Lonewolf: ok
Lonewolf: Meeting has begun
Lonewolf: Tonight Daniel is going to answer Y2-K questions for us
WonderW: how do you become compliant?
Lonewolf: Daniel do you want to do the ? or not
Lily: agree a lot?
WonderW: lol
Mooooooo: compliancy is up the the hardware/software manufacturers
Mooooooo: all we can do is upgrade our software if it no longer works
WonderW: ok
Lonewolf: I keep seeing things about setting your computer to 1972 what's that for?
MsAmazin: how do you find out if it's y2k?
Mooooooo: putting an earlier date on it will keep the problem from happening
Mooooooo: to check, set your clock to the year 2000
Lonewolf: should we do that?
Mooooooo: and see if it explodes
Mooooooo: :o)
Lily: lol
Lonewolf: pardon?
In: lol
MsAmazin: lol...I set mine to 2032
Mooooooo: try setting the clock forward first
MsAmazin: it was ok
Lonewolf: oh ok
MsAmazin: so, that's it?
WonderW: ok
Lonewolf: vcr's too
Mooooooo: yep
MsAmazin: okie
Mooooooo: any new vcr is compliant
Lonewolf: ours are old
Mooooooo: automobiles should have no problem
WonderW: should we do that now?
Mooooooo: after the meeting
In: it is not really going 2 hurt the pc that much is it?
Lily: is it a problem for the average PC, or has it been blown out of proportion?
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Mooooooo: no, Marilyn
Mooooooo: it has been blown way out of proportion
Mooooooo: most of it is a marketing gimmick
Lily: yes, i heard that
Lonewolf: why do they say it will effect meds, banks etc?
Mooooooo: to get companies to pay billions in fees to make sure they are compliant
WonderW: so what basis does it have in fact?
KimNchair: should i stock lima beans or green beans in my shelter?
Lily: yup, companyies making fortunes on it
Mooooooo: here is how it works....
Mooooooo: i'll explain in as simple as possible terms
Lonewolf: I have heard that Kim-that we should stock up on canned goods etc
WonderW: we have been Kim, my mom is buying her farm for this purpose
Mooooooo: computers store dates in a special way
Mooooooo: that special way is always the same size
KimNchair: but i don't like beans:(
Mooooooo: but because the number is higher, the way its stored must be larger
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Mooooooo: old programs dont understand that
Lily: eat rutabagas, kim
Mooooooo: and will crash
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Lonewolf: ok but why the meds and food scares
MsAmazin1: imposter
Mooooooo: meds will not be affected
Mooooooo: neither will foods
Lily: is it a marketing scam, moo?
Mooooooo: like turning the page of a calendar will not make you a day older
Mooooooo: for the most part, yes
Lonewolf: water electricity?
WonderW: but if no one changes dates, computers will crash, no?
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Mooooooo: my bet is that most companies have upgraded
Mooooooo: they need to
Mooooooo: they cannot afford the losses
WonderW: true
Mooooooo: government may be different
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In: my program just crashed Daniel:))))))
Mooooooo: which, Marilyn?
In: iirc
MsAmazin: we had a 'special' news program on y2k for our area
Mooooooo: when you changed the date?
In: I never changed the date
Mooooooo: then it wasnt Y2K, dear
In: it just crashed & I cannot log back on
In: hehe.......did not think it was
MsAmazin: it happened to me too In
WonderW: may just be having probs logging in, drar
In: thx Mx......not only me then
In: Ms
Lonewolf: ok
anny1: me 2
Mooooooo: what did they say,denise
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WonderW: make sure you wait adequately to see if ut connects before disconnecting amd reconnecting
Lily: brb
MsAmazin: one side said everything would be ok...the other said everything would collapse :)
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shakey73: are you people in a meeting?
Lonewolf: yes
WonderW: yep
Mooooooo: yep, you can stay
LilyBRB: yes, shakey
Lonewolf: I was in wrong room while ago
Lonewolf: sorry
Lonewolf: Y2-K questions shakey
shakey73: im confused?talk tomorrow
Lonewolf: ask away
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Lonewolf: dumb question daniel
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Lonewolf: nut is it the computer or the basic programming
Lonewolf: but
Mooooooo: the programming
Lonewolf: like win98 or the actual machine itself
Lonewolf: IC
WonderW: I changed date, is ok
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Mooooooo: be sure to change it back
WonderW: I will
Lonewolf: I changed date and nothing happened so its ok?
Kark: What changes in dates, missed that
Mooooooo: you have to try your different programs with the date changed
KimNchair: date on what??
Mooooooo: the computer clock
Lonewolf: oh ok
MsAmazin: you can also check your computers at www.macafee.com
Lonewolf: ok
MsAmazin: whooops mcafee
KimNchair: 2 f's
Mooooooo: for y2k?
MsAmazin: grrr..sorry, typing bad today
MsAmazin: yes Mooooooo
Mooooooo: cool
Lonewolf: are those internet scans safe Mooooooo
WonderW: ok
MsAmazin: we did it last week
Lonewolf: were u ok?
Kark: I know people that are taking there money out of the bank before the new year because they feel there will be troubles after
Mooooooo: if they are a reputable company, then im sure they're safe
Lonewolf: ok
Lonewolf: me too Karen
KimNchair: chane the puter clock then openm programs, if they work i'm lucky??
KimNchair: change
Lonewolf: safe not lucky
Mooooooo: change the date and run some different programs
Kark: If everyone thinks this way won't there big big troubles in banking
Mooooooo: banks have too much to lose
Mooooooo: they will be compliant
KimNchair: change the date to what?
Lonewolf: year 2000
In: I use 2 work at a bank & they r ready 4 it
Kark: So you think its all big hip Mooooooo?
Mooooooo: mostly hype
Kark: hipe
Kark: lol
Mooooooo: IRS is still having problems
Lonewolf: that's not good
WonderW: NO
anny1: lol hip
MsAmazin: social security is sposed to be ok
Lonewolf: SS is supposed to be compliant isn't it?
Lonewolf: lol
Mooooooo: government is having problems
Lonewolf: why?
Mooooooo: because they are government :o)
Lonewolf: oh
MsAmazin: hehe...Hey...<---former gov't employee
Lonewolf: that's bad though it effects all of us
In: every1 really had enough time 2 b prepared 4 it though....they knew it was coming...right
Mooooooo: yes, they've known
Mooooooo: but the people who wrote the software are old, retired, or expired
Mooooooo: and did not care
Lonewolf: IC
Lonewolf: that in itself is scarey
Kark: You would think they would have the money
Kark: to invest in agreat system
Lonewolf: yes
Mooooooo: private sector already has
In: ic what u mean then Daniel
Mooooooo: government has red tape
MsAmazin: I worked in Comptroller Dept..handled the funding...we got bottom of the barrel
Lonewolf: wonder if Canada is compliant
Lonewolf: I mean is it just our govt in US or others too
Mooooooo: probably all governments
Kark: I don't get it, government officials get big raises
In: we r having the same scare tactic here in
In: Canada
Lonewolf: hum
Kark: oooops, sorry, didn't mean to talk politics
anny1: gov. is entrenched in infinate detail
Lonewolf: see this to me is the real scare-govts not beoing compliant
anny1: our agency has a y2k coordinator
Kark: I agree Judi
Lonewolf: that's good
Lonewolf: I mean we can be all prepared and still be in dutch
Lonewolf: daniel you have ade my head swim
Lonewolf: made
Mooooooo: i think what will cause bigger problems is people pulling their money out of the banks
Lonewolf: causing a crash of our financial system?
Mooooooo: yes
Lonewolf: then wall street goes kerplunk-right?
Mooooooo: yep
Lonewolf: yikes
LilyBRB: back
Mooooooo: self perpetuation
Lonewolf: thinking retirement fund here
In: & me losing my LTD from the bank:)))
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In: sorry just had 2 type that
Kark: Boy thats a mind blower
KimNchair: so basically there's not a dang thing we can do but worry if that makes us happy?
Mooooooo: correct
Kark: all that over a possible problem
Lily: thats what i've heard, its thge panic that will be the prob.
Kark: yes Lily
Lonewolf: ya know my husbands company is increasing the retirement benefits in 2000-substantially
Lonewolf: I am starting to see why
Lily: why?
Lonewolf: all retirement benefits are kept in stock
Lily: ah, ok
anny1: i bet the ppl pulling money out of banks are relativly few
Mooooooo: i hope so
Kark: doesn't seem that way
Kark: I hear many talking about it
KimNchair: i will leave my @2.99 in the bank i promise
Lonewolf: most opinions I have heard-the people are scared
KimNchair: $
WonderW: lol
Lily: lol,kim
Mooooooo: im not scared
Lonewolf: no but most don't understand
Mooooooo: Jesus is Y2K compliant :o)
Lonewolf: true
Kark: lol
WonderW: exactly
Lily: yes, but a lot of ppl beieve readers clearing house too
anny1: i bet gates and trump and fellows like that leave theirs in
Lily: yup, anny
Lonewolf: yea
WonderW: publishers, Alison?
Lonewolf: she had surgery today
Lily: yes, you kon, youve won a million dollars
Lonewolf: publisher's clearing house
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Mooooooo: hello ray
Lily: o, small typo
WonderW: hi Tay
Lonewolf: np sis I was in wrong room while agp
Lonewolf: hi ray
Lily: as in TAY
In: hi Ray
Ray-1: Hi, all.
WonderW: lol
Lonewolf: any more questions for Daniel?
Lily: tea........
KimNchair: lima or green??
Lily: yea
Lonewolf: serious
Lily: will moday become mondak?
Mooooooo: lol
Lily: o, serious, hmmmmmmmm
Lonewolf: sis you need to take pain pill and go to bed
Lily: lol, ok
In: have 2 go all...bye, take care....thanks Daniel:))))))
Kark: Bye In
Lonewolf: bye In
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Lonewolf: No more questions?
Ray-1: Is there a topic or are we all being silly?
Lonewolf: any gen computer questions while we have mooooo pinned down here?
Mooooooo: the topic is Y2K
Lonewolf: Y2-K Ray
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Ray-1: Is it as bad as everyone says?
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Mooooooo: I dont think so
Lonewolf: how do you close an open port daniel
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Mooooooo: which?
Lily: night all
Lonewolf: the ones you told me to close-son has been too busy
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WonderW: she went on and on and on
Lonewolf: night sis
Kark: I read that the health industry might be hit hard
Lonewolf: me too which is why I asked about meds
Mooooooo: i'll check, judy
Ray-1: Realistically, Daniel, what do YOU expect will happen on 1-1-00?
KimNchair: lots of commodes stopped up from drunks?
Mooooooo: I expect to sleep in that day. other than that, all anyone can do is guess
Ray-1: lol.
Lonewolf: Ray he told us private secotrs have become compliant
Lonewolf: its gov't that is lagging
Lonewolf: also set your computer date to 2000 and see if your programs run ok
KimNchair: will that make win 95 crash?
Lonewolf: old vcr's set to 1972
Kark: My comany has millions of accounts and we made a switch to a system that is compliant but it has many glitches, we are changing again in aug
Mooooooo: i doubt that win95/98 will have much problems
Lonewolf: what co is that Karen
Mooooooo: ms-dos is screwed
Mooooooo: linux is fine
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Kark: First Card Services
Lonewolf: ms dos is about out anyway isn't it?
Ray-1: I think there will be lots of suicides in Vegas among people who paid way too much for Streisand tickets and figure the money could have been better spent.
Mooooooo: right
Lonewolf: is that a credit card?
Mooooooo: lol
Kark: Yes
Lonewolf: I didn't think about credit cards
Mooooooo: credit cards will be fine
Mooooooo: im sure of that
Lonewolf: if a system isn't compliant-like a hospital-what will happen to records etc?
WonderW: good
Lonewolf: wud we be wise to ask
Mooooooo: yes, ask your hospital
Lonewolf: or get copies of our med records?
Mooooooo: you could do that too
Ray-1: Daniel, do you know how compliant the Social Security Admin. is?
Lonewolf: think I'll start making some callsa
Mooooooo: no, i dont
Lonewolf: I'm still concerned about the stock market
KimNchair: want the ssa 800 number so you can ask?
Ray-1: No, that's okay. thanx, Kim.
KimNchair: k
Lonewolf: well is that all?
KimNchair: all for me
Lonewolf: Thanks a lot daniel
Mooooooo: thank you :o)